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1750 Tourney Army "Extra Crispy"


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Here is a link to my Blog;




There is a link in the blog post to a lot more photos and a write up on the list that I took. Over all it was a very fun list to play, and a great time at the tourney, had my best finish, 6th place out of over 80 players, and I was awarded the "Best Painted Army" and "Players Choice" awards. For the 2k tourney coming up I think I will be taking Furiosos! time will tell though.



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Nice looking force.


Do you have some closer pics?



If you click on the link to my blog, there is a link to photos there...I was to lazy to put them in my original post... :)



I will admit I clicked on the blog and missed the gallery link. Oops.

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Beautiful army mate, very stunning ;) ! My only niggle is I'm not keen on the yellow HK's, apart from that I take my hat off to you ;)


...waits patiently for batreps ;)

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Love the list btw matey!! Has a lot of hidden firepower in those HKs.



Id seriously consider swapping out the Sternguard for an Honour Guard though!!

I'd also consider dropping one IP and upgrade the missiles on the Tacs to lascannons!


Otherwise, rad rad. Looking forward to the reports.

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I was wondering when my Flamer-Razorback army would take better root in the Intrawebs. B) Only took... damn. Two years.


Nice paintjobs, though I'm not sold on the conversions of the Dreads. Congrats all round, though.

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