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So, I was wondering what other people felt about the Spearhead expansion, and its strategic benefits to Blood Angels. I have played a few games with the expansion, and have had mixed results. Some things work; some didn't but were situational; some didn't and it was because I hadn't thought it through.

My friends and I are going to be playing a 4k pt. game, with spearheads and no FOC. I'm going to try the skystorm spearhead on my Stormravens. I figure, moving 36" onto the board with two Stormravens full of Sanguinary Guards, Astorath, Dante, a Librarian Furioso, and a regular Furioso is pretty cool.

One thing I did find effective was putting the Ambush Spearhead on my Furiosos. The Librarian furioso had Shield of Sanguinus and gave the pair a 4+ cover save, which was pretty good.

I also ran the Crusher Spearhead on three rhinos carrying Death Company. This didn't work because of a drop pod full of Sternguard taking out one of the rhinos and creating a big traffic jam. Situational.


Anyway, I'm going to try the Skystorm and a Mechanized Assault Spearhead.

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Anyone with experience with BA in Spearhead have any suggestions as to what Spearheads worked well for them?


I have never used the Spearhead rules and was wondering what people suggest.


I'm liking the idea of Tankhunters on auto/las preds and perhaps Baals. The spearhead with the combined blast for 3x Vindicators.

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Unfortunately I haven't used Spearhead either yet, although I do have a game coming up in 2 weeks where my opponent and I will be using Spearhead formations. Some I have in mind are Seek & Destroy with 2x MM/HF Landspeeders... once per game it allows the unit to move flat out and still fire one weapon each, pretty vital as I'll be going up against a DA Mech army. Then there's the Archeotech Spearhead which I'd use with my Baals, all weapons mounted on the vehicles have a +1 Str modifier. Str 7 AC's and Str6 Hvy Bolters? Yes please :Troops: but there is a 1 in 6 chance that something goes wrong which you then make another roll an reference the chart. Risky but very nasty :HS:
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I'm working on a list right now, which I'll post in the list section when finished.


Then in about 2 weeks, I can come back with results from the game, what worked and what didn't.

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Outrider Spearhead


Stormraven Gunship (Spearhead Leader)

3 Land Speeder Squadron

3 Land Speeder Squadron


Stormraven includes a Librarian w/ the Shield of Sanguinius Power...


That's a lot of shooting to take down that Stormraven...

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