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Played a game against dark eldar a few days ago and he had a razorwing jetfighter. He moved 12" and fired Everything at my poor sternguard squad-including four large blast missiles-can he really fire all of them at once? or is it limited to one missile a turn?




they are single shot weapons similar to blood strike missiles, im pretty sure he can fire them all at once.. just be glad he didnt do the bombing run during the movement phase too

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A missile is described as an "Assault 1" weapon, and the Razorwing is equipped with four of these missiles. So it seems the Razorwing can indeed fire all of them at once, provided that it is allowed to fire all of his available weapons after moving (which I think it can).
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A Razorwing has the Aerial Assault special rule which allows it to fire all weapons if it moves at Cruising Speed. Each missile is a seperate weapon. So yes, it can move 12" and fire all of it's missiles as well as its other weapons in a single turn.
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Played a game against dark eldar a few days ago and he had a razorwing jetfighter. He moved 12" and fired Everything at my poor sternguard squad-including four large blast missiles-can he really fire all of them at once? or is it limited to one missile a turn?




they are single shot weapons similar to blood strike missiles, im pretty sure he can fire them all at once.. just be glad he didnt do the bombing run during the movement phase too


Hes talking about the fighter not the bomber ;)

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If it fires all its missiles in a single salvo...does it have anythingl eft to fire, or is it just a giant LOS-blocker and objective contester for the remainder of the game? My memory of the DE Codex is fuzzy.



EDIT: Nevermind, GW has the armament on the product page. Splinter cannons and lances. AV10 all round, though. Missile bait <_<.

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If it fires all its missiles in a single salvo...does it have anythingl eft to fire, or is it just a giant LOS-blocker and objective contester for the remainder of the game? My memory of the DE Codex is fuzzy.


Two Dark Lances I believe.

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