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Night Lords Atrementar

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If they're accompanying a Captain (or whatever, the guy leading the army :D ) who's in Power Armour this would make perfect sense to me. I don't think there are any fluff Power Armour Attramentar right now, but Terminator armour isn't permanent ;) .


Which Codex are you planning to use for this army? Is it a Night Lords army or are they just a part of it?


You want them so stand out from normal Power Armour units though. Rules for Sternguard/Vanguard Veterans or Chosen Chaos Space Marines are the most obvious choices. I would personally model them with more trophies (read: skulls and heads) with dead enemies on the bases and possibly a darker shade to the armour.

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Well technically they're only part of 10th company but if thats what your going for, they should work just fine, TBH they are just like any other ternimator unit, they should accompany the ruling lord but can go on mission with out him
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im pretty sure atramentar is the term for all terminator elite of the night lords , not just the tenth company , cant remember which book its in , but a-d-b wrote them as guarding the night haunters throne room on Tsagualsa

this is part of a normal chaos codex army , im contemplating having a unit in tac-dread armour , but ive been thinking of adding a unit of chosen with chain glaives ( using gk halberds as the base ) and the cloaks that the atramentar wear

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Brother Garod is correct. In Blood Reaver....



When Night Haunter died, his closest warriors and veterans, the 1st Company of the Night Lords, refused to follow a Terran-born commander. So instead of following Zso Sahaal, they divided themselves amoungst the Captains of the other companies whom they most desired to serve. The 1st Company veterans who swore service to Captain Vandred formed the Atrementar of the 10th company.


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Brother Garod is correct. In Blood Reaver....



When Night Haunter died, his closest warriors and veterans, the 1st Company of the Night Lords, refused to follow a Terran-born commander. So instead of following Zso Sahaal, they divided themselves amoungst the Captains of the other companies whom they most desired to serve. The 1st Company veterans who swore service to Captain Vandred formed the Atrementar of the 10th company.


I didn't know it happened like that? According to Soul Hunter and Lord of the Night, Zso Sahaal had ditched his company when he tried to obtain the Corona Nox.

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It wasn't the entire company, iirc. It was just the Atramentar.


Here is the real kicker though, how do we incorporate the lion iconography of the Atramentar warriors into chaos terminators w/o looking like a kitbash.


I say go for it, if they can fight in TDA they can fight in PA, however, how do they keep their wayward brothers away from the horribly precious armor while they are gone? Remember, Night Lords are hella paranoid.

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It wasn't the entire company, iirc. It was just the Atramentar.


Here is the real kicker though, how do we incorporate the lion iconography of the Atramentar warriors into chaos terminators w/o looking like a kitbash.


I say go for it, if they can fight in TDA they can fight in PA, however, how do they keep their wayward brothers away from the horribly precious armor while they are gone? Remember, Night Lords are hella paranoid.


Terminator armor would be considered relics, so they would get stored in an armory probably belonging to the Dark Mechanicus. I doubt any Night Lord would be crazy enough to get on their bad side by trying to break into their consecrated reliquary. Plus, there would be the added problem of, assuming the break-in and theft was successful, the suits not being fitted for the new wearers, thus hampering their effectiveness and efficiency. This is even before, of course, the former owners, all of whom would theoretically be among the best of the Chosen and all be utterly lethal killers without peer, return to take back what was stolen through messy and painful means. The risks outweigh the rewards significantly.

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Brother Garod is correct. In Blood Reaver....



When Night Haunter died, his closest warriors and veterans, the 1st Company of the Night Lords, refused to follow a Terran-born commander. So instead of following Zso Sahaal, they divided themselves amoungst the Captains of the other companies whom they most desired to serve. The 1st Company veterans who swore service to Captain Vandred formed the Atrementar of the 10th company.

Actually, it was Sevatar that died and they refused to follow his Terran successor, Zso Sahaal.


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well im going ahead with the planned Atramenar in power armour idea , as i like the idea too much to not try it ;p

planning a suit of Mk III power armour ( with the newer backpack ) , chainglaives , a lion shoulderpad from scibor , the trademark cloaks they're said to wear from anvil industry , and all manner of spikes and skulls to top it off

thanks for the input brothers :)

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Okay, i fixed my earlier post. Didn't mean to spoil it, sorry!

Yeah, really, I had no idea Night Haunter was going to die. This is really upsetting, he was my favorite loyalist Primarch.


o.- what ?

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Okay, i fixed my earlier post. Didn't mean to spoil it, sorry!

Yeah, really, I had no idea Night Haunter was going to die. This is really upsetting, he was my favorite loyalist Primarch.


o.- what ?


Think that was a joke. :tu:

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