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Night Lords Atrementar

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From Blood reaver page 217: 'The Legion's Terminator Elite walked with heads high these nights; their refusal to serve the new First Captain was a festering wound that accorded them a subtle rise in prestige. With Sevatar dead and a Terran appointed to his role, the Former First Captain's elite warriors splintered into hunting packs, binding themselves to company commanders they respected, rather than remain whole under a new master not of their home world.'

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Terminator Elite does not imply the entirety of the first company of a pre-heresy legion. It implies the terminator elite of the first company. IE the First company's Atramentar, not the entirety of the first company, it doesn't even imply all terminators, because we haven't established weather terminator elite means elite in tda, or elite amongst terminators. First company=Terminators wasn't established pre-heresy, nor is it necessarily how post heresy CSM organize themselves. The company was still there, otherwise what company did first captain Sahaal lead? It was his elite, the Atramentar, that refused to serve him. There was a bit of time between Sevatar's death and the death of the Night Haunter.


Because of the way the text in the novel is worded, it implies that the other companies did not have Atramentar before the aforementioned turning point, however it does not say that there were not terminators already present in the companies the Atramentar went to. This is due to the mention of the gain in prestige. How would Atramentar that were not bound to first captain gain prestige by denying him?



However, at this point in the timeline are all terminators considered Atramentar? Maybe. ( and I hope so.) We will find out I think in Void Stalker. Thanks to the teaser in Fear the Alien.


Brother Garrod, please post pictures of your models when you get the chance! I'm excited to see how they turn out.

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  • 1 year later...

For those wondering, the same Atrementar that guarded the Primarch were the very same that stood at the base of the Exalted's throne (Vandred Anrathi of 10th Company). The Atrementar are the Night Lords Elite, though they are of an Ancient Honour Guard that existed before the heresy.



In the Epilogue Tertius, while the new prophet, Decimus, speaks to the gathered Night Lords, he is accompanied by two of the Atrementar. A-D-B mentions there are other Terminators present, though he does not specifically refer to them with the same title as the Honoured Elite.


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