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Which Psychic Powers?


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So, I've posted a list in the BA Army List forum. I've run into a slight problem: I don't know what powers to give my librarian.


The basic idea is the Libby (with Jump Pack) is going to join a Sanguinary Guard squad, who will be riding in a Storm Raven. The powers I'm picking between are:


Unleash Rage

Shield of Sanguinius

Sanguine Sword


Now, I only get two of this. Which ones? Unleash rage boots the whole squad's CC lethality, Shield gives them a cover save once they are out of the Stormraven (by choice or not), and Sanguine Sword helps the small squad deal with big things.


Now, the SG have master-crafted weapons, so losing Unleash Rage isn't nearly the drop off you normally expect (they are already good in CC; they shouldn't need the boost). The cover save is wasted if they spend the whole game in a raven or CC. And I've always been a little hesitant of the Sword on librarians not named Mephiston, since they are only I4 and with base 2 attacks.


What are your thoughts? Rage/Shield, Shield/Sword, or Rage/Sword? I'm starting to learn towards Shield/Sword, since I think the squad should be able to handle most things without Preferred Enemy.

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Normally I like to go for Unleash Rage and Shield but perhaps in this case you should go for something a little different. Sang. Guard have those MC Powerweapons so that negates some of those bad rolls...so perhaps it would be better to go for Shield and Sword instead.


It would also be possible to drop Shield as well as a SR when it moves flout out grants a 4+ cover save, though I like to use shield from big vehicles suchas the SR and the LR in order to grant that 5+ cover save to other units and vehicles near them.

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I've been running a jump libby with Sanguinary Guard lately. My powers are Shield and Sword.


Since I don't buy my SG any Powerfists, they are vulnerable to Dreads and the like. Sword helps mitigate that.


My biggest problem with Sword is the simple fact that a Librarian has 2 attacks and the extra weapon attack, plus charging. Sanguinary Guard can carry a chapter banner to help get another strength 10 attack from the Libby.

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I whould go Sword + Lance. Because you don't need shield in SR (it has 4+ cover by default) and you don't have a lot melta in your list (its good to blow transport with libby and assult its crewwith sg )
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I whould go Sword + Lance. Because you don't need shield in SR (it has 4+ cover by default) and you don't have a lot melta in your list (its good to blow transport with libby and assult its crewwith sg )



You're stormraven won't always have a 4+ cover save. On turns in which you wish to get your units inside out , you're at your most vunerable , shield helps migitate this , also against Imperial guard armies with Hydras , you've no turbo boosting cover save , shield also helps with this.

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agreed, for sanguard i wouldnt bother with unlease rage. though if you have a fist in the unit i wouldnt bother with sword either and would take fear of the dark...(just becasue i want to try that power so much..)
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I was tempted to go with the MoH too, but after thinking about it for a minute, Sword is better. S10 at I4/5 is going to be better that an addition D3 S8/9 at I1. And as it was already pointed out, you can get 5 S10 attacks on the charge. And what if the fist gets taken out before it gets to strike, no fist and no psychic power, ouch.


Although Shield is a minimal amount of protection, I think it's still the best choice for the 2nd power. Not for the Raven so much as for when your squad chews up a unit and is standing out in the open. At least you'll have some protection from all the fire that will be coming their way. Plus any other power is going to be used in your turn, while shield is not, and then you wouldn't be able to use sword without the Epostilary upgrade.


Shield/ Sword for me.

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One of my favorite combos are sword and rage. Giving re-roles to hit at strength ten? yes please.


Yes, but you need to spend 50 extra points on upgrading to Epistolary in order to use it.

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You won't get the most out of your Libby attaching it to the SG. They come with thier own best upgrades; cheapest Infernus pistols and chapter banner. Now don't get me wrong the Libby is my favorite HQ. I just think there are better uses for him.
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My suggestion would be Sword/Shield.


This means you can get two powers off per turn (shield in your opponents and sword in yours).


Shield will be useful if your SG get caught out in the open, as they don't last long against any AP1/AP2 fire otherwise.


I'd take sword over unleash rage, purely because you already get 1 re roll to hit on your SG anyway due to their glaives, while Str10 will insta kill anything T5 or below, including most HQs as well as giving you a chance to not get stuck with walkers (unless you're already taking a PF in your SG squad?)


Anyway, I'm not expert, but that's my advice :P

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