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Multiple Units under a Blast/Template


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An Apocalypse blast hit more than one unit. Unit A has 7 models under the blast and Unit B has 6. We rolled to wound 13 times using majority Toughness and my opponent then allocated the 9 wounds scored to Unit B, ignoring Unit A completely. Was this right or should we have rolled separately to wound for each unit and allocated the wounds to each unit?
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You shoud've rolled separately, if you use the Assault rules as a precedent.

Not quite right - you roll separately becasue each individual unit has been hit a number of times, and they are two units.

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Which is just like in an assault, where each unit has been hit a number of times, and you allocate separately.


I don't mean to come down on you, but I fear this example is too complex to be elucidating.


If two units fall under a template, you count the affected models in one unit and roll to wound them, then count the number of affected models in the other unit and roll to wound them; separately, as has been said. Each unit allocates and weathers their own pools of wounds on their own. Simple.


In an assault, the issue is much more complicated. For one thing, there are seldom any templates. If one model splits its attacks between units, or if models in a single unit attack different units, the situation is somewhat similar...but it is more complex (e.g. initiative order, what model(s) a given model is in contact with, how many attacks they have, etc); unless the original poster has a question about it, I recommend we eschew it.

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