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A Scout


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Been finally playing a few games. Won my first game on the weekend vs DE. They really hate flamers. Expecially the kind that hang off of speeders. Anyways, playing (and winning) seems to motivate me to paint. Nearly completed a speeder and whirlwind. Unfortunately no pictures of those yet but I'll share a oldie I did a while back.


Might have to paint a squad of these guys. Later. A dread is dying for some colour.



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Maybe he has some friends?


Haven't gotten around to painting any more. Might have space as my list gets past 1500. I'll have to pick up some plastic scouts and see how they paint up.


How did you do the blue?


1. Prime black.

2. Regal blue base.

3. Regal blue/Ultramarine blue over the base.

4. Ultramarine blue on high areas.

5. Ultramarine blue/Skull white highlight.

6. Skull white highlight.


I'll do a lot of light washes inbetween colours to blend.


Eager to get past the table top work and get a character done. I think a libby is in order. Maybe Vulkan. He seems fun, to paint and play.

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Did you blend, feather ect the blue?


I'm not sure what you would call it but I'll try and describe what I do.


1. The first step is get a even base, in this case 50/50 ultra blue/regal blue. I can't stress enough how important this step is.

2. Using ultra blue watered down to about 3/2 parts water/paint I go over the raised areas and give the edges a thick highlight. About twice the thickness of a detail brush or so.

3. I'll mix ultra blue with the orginal base with water to a milk like consistency. I'll go over the area where the base and highlight meet with very little paint on the brush. To best describe the effect it's like wiping off the counter with a damp rag. Takes me about 10 to 30 passes to get the desired effect. The coats should dry fast and shouldn't take too long to notice the blending.


I'll go back to step 1 with a lightened ultra and thinner highlight.


At times use a darker shade and hit the ressesses to enchance the contrast.


What's that grass on the base.


It's some sort of hair. You can get it from model railroad shops.


Hope that helps.

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is that NMM on the rifle?


It's supposed to be :ph34r: I look back now and think hmm I could've done that better but he was a test model for different techniques that happened to get completely painted. If I had to redo the guy I'd shade him more like the champion I posted earlier. I'd still do the same effect on the sniper rifle but I would take my time and get the lines straight. I am happy with the face. A bit of luck there.


Just to keep it real, not all of my models are painted to this level. Most are more like my assault marine sergent so I have something to play with. Even then probably takes me 6 hours to paint a troop. I found using specialty shoulder pads cuts that time in half. I'll try and get a picture of a tactical marine up soon.



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+1 to Waka, some of the only Ultras I could confidently say I like (love in this case! :D )


could I ask how you apply the long grass to the base? I've got some but I really struggle to make it work, it always ends up either being difficult to get together into a workable bunch or impossible to stay upright :P

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oh whats your skin recipe if you dont mind

Not at all


Dark Flesh over black primer

Dwarf Flesh base

Elf Flesh highlight


In that order and mixing in between colours. The darker areas are diluted lightened dark flesh with black. Something like 10 parts water to paint and applies in very light coats.


could I ask how you apply the long grass to the base?

Nothing special. I grab a few hairs, dab a bit of white glue to the ends, and as the glue dries keep adjusting the hairs upright. Helps to get a bit of glue along the hair and not just the ends.


Hope that helps.

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