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Lash whips question

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I don't know if I have posted this in the correct area and if I haven't sorry in advanced.


Recently my Black Templars went face to face with a hive tyrant with lash whips, now it stats that any model that is base to base is counted as I:1, my question what of attacks that are within the 2" bubble are they affected?


Thanks in advance,



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They are not, just the ones in BtB. So, if your 6 man squad has two models in BtB with the enemy who has lash whips, then you have 4 I4 marines and 2 I1 marines.
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I don't know if I have posted this in the correct area and if I haven't sorry in advanced.


Recently my Black Templars went face to face with a hive tyrant with lash whips, now it stats that any model that is base to base is counted as I:1, my question what of attacks that are within the 2" bubble are they affected?


Thanks in advance,




You just answered your own question. Models within 2" are not base to base, and therefore lash whips do not affect them. Therefore, they strike at normal initiative order.


Do remember however that due to the Defenders React rule if you are charged all of the models in your squad must attempt to get in base contact with the assaulting models, moving their full movement distance. Therefore, considering the size of the base of the Hive Tyrant you should be able to get a good few models in base contact. Against multiple lash whip units like Tyranid Warriors chances are all of your models will be base to base (unless you're running 20 man squads).

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