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Dante got a new paintjob!

Red Fury

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So my Dante and his HG were really looking dated and in need of a new paint job. So a few weeks back I took some pictures of them and then tossed them in a tub of Purple Power.

After a lot of scrubbing and painting, Dante is looking much better, but the HG are still in pieces. Fear not, for Dante has a new retinue... the SG. I'll get back to the HG after I finish up some other things I'm working on right now.

Here is what they looked like before the bath:


Remember this HG kit with these guys:


And Dantes worn out threads:


And now Dante's new paintjob:



And a shot of him with his new crew:


Another group shot, but with the flash on:


I hope you like the pics, I have some more I can post tomorrow. I also took some WIP shots of the VV I'm currently working on.

Any C&C is always appreciated!

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you made the same mistake as i did some time ago, you gave the banner to a standard guard.

its better to give the banner to the fist, as it will be most likely the last model you remove from the unit, and you want to keep the banner as long as possible on the table.


other than that, your unit looks great, and dante looks way better then the "old" paintjob. great work!

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you made the same mistake as i did some time ago, you gave the banner to a standard guard.

its better to give the banner to the fist, as it will be most likely the last model you remove from the unit, and you want to keep the banner as long as possible on the table.


other than that, your unit looks great, and dante looks way better then the "old" paintjob. great work!


It's not at all the most likely outcome, as there is shooting. Get hit five times, and we're looking at the same odds. 80 point single wound models that aren't priests most have issues with.

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Thanks for the nice words guys! They bases are from Dragonforge.com I've used a mix of the wasteland and the slate bases throughout the army so far. I really like Dante's new base, aside from not looking like he is trodding through oatmeal, it is taller and helps him not look like the little midget he is :) He is an awesome model to paint though. Compared to others like the SG, he has so much detail and it makes it really easy to shade and highlight for a great finish.

Hmmm, I never thought about putting the banner and fist on the same guy. I can see what you are talking about, like if you are stuck up against a dreadnought or something. But, I was even thinking of changing one of the 2 standard guys to have a PP. I know, terrible choice right, but then they would all have unique equipment for allocations. Maybe sometime in the future.

Sorry some of these are a bit blurry, I took them in my kitchen last night so not the best lighting...Ok more pictures!








I tried different colors and effects on the SGs glaives and ended up just going with a basic highlighted red. Not unlike what a lot of guys are doing with blue for an GK army full of PWs. I though red was fitting considering the name of the weapons, and they needed more red to help fit in too. What do you think, does it work?

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Dante can definitely kick some tail. I was playing with the idea of having the Libby take the MoH power to give Dante another D3 attacks. That would be 10! I7 S5 PW attacks on the charge and even a reroll to hit! Fun, but I think the squad is still better off having a S10 weapon available.

Here is my Libby for mech lists:


I meant to paint a black blood drop on his knee pad, I guess I forgot. Hmmm, and his boots are too clean, I need to retouch this guy.

And the Lord of Death:


I have had this model since the early '90s and just painted him for the first time a month and a half ago. Better late then never right?

So how about some WIP shots. I started a storm raven a while back, and just haven't had the desire to get back into it. Hopefully after a few more troopers I'll be looking forward to a vehicle again. But here is what I have so far:



Not much different than last time I showed a pic of it, except that all the weapons are magnatized for every option now. I started highlighting and just got bored. Hopefully I'll get back to it soon enough.

Here is what's on my desk right now, Vanguard Vets. I have only started to paint 6 of the 10, the others are still waiting for a bit here and there and I just need 5 for my 1500 point DoA list. I thought it was a fun idea to give them all comms to kinda represent them waiting for the commanders call for a heroic intervention from orbit:


Here's a question for you guys, has anybody used the 2-handed TH along with a SS? I have this guy I'm putting together for the other half of the VV and cannot figure out a way to strap on a SS that looks good. Any suggestions or pics of what you did?


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Liking the detail shots of the SG and your HQ's - cool force weapon effects on all. Nice WIP's too (especially the VV - are you going old skool yellow helm's or will they be gold?)


Final thing, I can't help you with the storm shield except maybe the obvious one over the left forarm?

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Here's a question for you guys, has anybody used the 2-handed TH along with a SS? I have this guy I'm putting together for the other half of the VV and cannot figure out a way to strap on a SS that looks good. Any suggestions or pics of what you did?


Strap a stormshield to his left arm (the one holding the buttom of the hammer) ideally at the forearm. Would make sense as hed need both hands fighting with his hammer but he could still block blows with the shield ;) (makes sense to me anyway ;))

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are you going old skool yellow helm's or will they be gold?)
I'm going with old school VAS yellow on them. I don't care for the gold helmet look that much and so just the HG will be red with gold helmets instead of all gold, since they won't be Dante's retinue anymore.


Final thing, I can't help you with the storm shield except maybe the obvious one over the left forarm?
Strap a stormshield to his left arm (the one holding the buttom of the hammer) ideally at the forearm.

That's what I was thinking too, but when I held up a SS to him it just didn't look right. Maybe if I totally remove the hand and grip from the shield, then that'll let me adjust it a bit to get a better looking fit. I think I'll have to remove the hammers power cable to get it angled right, then a couple of greenstuff straps to the forearm to sell the idea...I'll try it.

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hey just passing through...but in regards to your TH/SS issue, I once saw a mini (here on the B&C somewhere) where a "counts-as" SS had been jury-rigged using the termi crotch plates. There was a smaller one on the back of the hand and the sarge one on the forearm.


peace out,


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