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Mephiston "Counts As" Query


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Hiya fellas. I am asking for more advice. For my Flesh Tearers Army I want to make models for all the special characters. I have done this for my vanilla marines and I enjoy the challenge. However, Mephiston is throwing me a curve. I want to build a completely vicious looking librarian with a plasma pistol and a big sword. Somehow I feel that won't be enough though.


What would your expectations be for a "counts as" Mephiston? I want to be completely WYSIWYG. I am planning on using all plastic parts from the DA, DC and SG kits. Any ideas?

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Mate, I wanna do the same thing :D I was thinking of SG armor, DC power sword, cape from commander sprue. As for the head and psychic hood, I think I'll have to make of green stuff, as there are no bits I can think of that can be used.
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IMHO it's kind of a must that you're able to see his face.... Glowing eyes ftw :D Furthermore I'd suggest you use one of the force weapons from the Grey Knights.. Those look mean.... I'm planning on assembling a (third) Sanguinary Guard squad, equipped with only Grey Knight weapons.
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I've always been tempted to get a 28mm version of Bela Lugosi. But that now that they've tuned down the vampire aspect it isn't as funny anymore.



On a more serious note you could take a look at the various empire kits. Plenty of heads there that are nicely scaled to use on marines, I've used a lot on my scouts.

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Great ideas guys. I am going to dive into this this weekend. Some buzzsaws for accessories and a bare face for transfixin'. This should be fun.
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I sense a competition in the offing.

How about we all go off and do our own mephiston stand ins using all the kits stated by the OP, green stuff and our imagination.

Post our results in say a month?

That's a good idea, actually! I have to finish my DIY Seth and then go for Meph. See you in a month :P :lol:

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Wasn't that a black library inquisitor model, one of those people on 'drug'-bay like to charge insane amounts of money for?

I am going to cheat a little on this, I kit bashed a mephy last night from DC and SG boxes and didn't like it, so I am going to use a termi and green stuff as the basis of the model with plastic bits to finish off.

Here we are:


Very WIP, lots of green to be used, may change weapons too, I just like power fists hence this one but I'm thinking there will be lightning and some cloak action too.

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