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count as Attack Bikes

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First, I am not sure if this is the correct Subforum, because its also a modeling question?


Second, as Space Marine Attack Bikes come without base, what base could I use in a conversion?

I really like the profile and rules of Attack Bikes, for me they are somehow seemlier to Tau Crysis Suits or Obliterators, but I dont like there Models. So I would like to represent them with guys in modified Powerarmor with some kind of powerful Jumppack welding Heavy weapons like Terminators. Seemliar like THIS.


Do you think this is a good idea? Or is it too confusing?

And what kind of base would you use? A terminator/Crisis one? Or a Dreadnought base?

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For bike bases I tend to use 60mm bases, you know, the ones that Carnifexes and most other MCs go on. This is big enough to accommodate all the wheels and the attack bike on them.


Of course, as they don't come supplied with bases you'd be fine with using 40mm, as long as it doesn't look too small, because then that could be interpreted as modelling for an advantage.


As for the models, it will depend on your gaming group. I've seen some pretty good conversions at my group like a scratch build Ironclad Dread and a Vindicator. I'd attempt to make them as similar in profile to attack bikes as you can though. Of course, I'm not sure what tournaments could be like.


Also, another note is that you could always build them anyway and make up your own rules for them, provided your LGS agrees with them.

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yes the 60mm base is the most apropreate base for an attack bike model. I believe no attack bike comes with a base of any sort.

My attack bike in the Ravenwing battleforce has rectangular cavalry for the regular bikes but nothing for the AB.


all the rules say is used supplied but as none is supplied try and keep to the same footprint.

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Whatever you do, do NOT use the 40mm base. You have to match the same general footprint of the parent model, and there's no way in Hades an attack bike will fit on anything close to a 40mm base. 60mm bases are "snug" for attack bikes as well, but acceptable.
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I don't use bases on my Attack Bikes, but for a counts as conversion for one using a 60mm "Dreadnought" base is the best idea by far as they're almost exactly the same size. As ShinyRhino said any other base size would be clearly unacceptable.
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