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EPIC scaled Titan

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Been a while since I painted this, thought I'd finally post it up - forgive the pictures, I need to work on a better camera, these are with my 5MP phone camera and an annoying high saturation flash...



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I am thinking of doing my entire legio in this colour scheme, but realised that trying to real metallic "nmm" such old models might be a tad difficult...


The narrative was an Ork Stormboyz Nob attacking the Titan with his Power Claw, using the gun as a boost point with the title "Knock out Blow". I admit it isn't very clear as the NoB probably should have been painted differently - certainly he didn't stand ut - but at the time I liked the whole David and Goliath thing - I was going to have a few more STom Boyz leaping over the defense line and a commisar leading a counterattack from the road section behind teh titan, but thought this would be too busy...



The defense line was made using a piece of sprue, an old epic Ork tank turret, greenstuff, a heavy bolter ammo box from a predator, the skull symbol from a librarian banner pole and a few other bits and pieces. The titan is the "square beetleback" warlord variant, banner is from High Elf spears as is the pennat, weaponry is two Vortex missiles, Vulcan megabolter and Quake cannon

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Forgive me if this seems a bit critical, but seeing as you are listing this as a GD model I think it's warranted. For starters, congrats on converting epic scale models. Have done a good bit of that myself, I know it can be a challenge. I understand you pics are using a phone camera which can make it tricky to really judge the quality of the paint job too. Now from what I can see there is a good ways to go for a GD level paint job. Part of the problem is that you seem to have done everything except the carapace on the Mk3 warlord using actual metallic paint which doesn't seem fitting given the S/E NMM you did for the carapace or even pushed as far with your technique and highlighting as the carapace. Combine that with the feet which seem to be just a simple drybrush and the overall quality of the mode just doesn't have the same effect as the carapace.


The last thing that seems odd is the carapace itself. Because of the size and height of the titan, you are getting two separate perspectives of the same terrain reflected in the carapace. Right now it feels like both the carapace and legs are done from the same height despite the rather large differences in elevation. Basically your horizon isn't unified which I think is detrimental to the effect. The carapace should probably have a higher sky to ground ratio while the legs should be reflecting more of the ground and perhaps even some of the defense line.


This would be a good article to explain more of what I mean: http://www.elfwood.com/farp/metal2/Reflective1.htm


Hope this helps!

Thanks for the critique - I learnt a lot about SE NMM painting this thing unfortunately most of it towards the end when I was working on teh missiles and teh quake cannon and gatling blaster (which are painted in single colour with a false horizon line). I completely agree that the execution was not as good as I had hoped, but it was a worthwhile exercise. The horizon line looks off, but at the time I was convinced it looked ok, I suppose as my knowledge of the technique evolves and after having taken an arms length step back from the model (difficult when painting under time constrained conditions) I'd completely critique in the way you have!


Best bit to me are the jewels on the banner and the freehand pennant and banner, and this was also a first for me in getting brass and bronze to look old and worn with the correct patina (the engine unit and exhausts..). The base was the best of all though- my first attempt at building something like this on an epic base and it scaled off well vs the Titan


The STormboy (non-board material I know) was an Ork Warlord with the chainsword re-angled nad a bolt pistol bolted on, and teh power claw is from a kill kan epic model, whilst the rocket pack is a small brass tube, with a greenstuff nose and flame jet, and I made greenstuff "feet" - for those of you who know the Epic warlord model (plastic) it doesn't actually have any!.


The conversion on the titan is the repositioning of the legs (had to cut at the knee and rebuilt using GS), the Quake cannon is a metal weapon mounted on a plastic warlord weapon arm to balance the gatling blaster better, the shield is an ancient High Elf shield (2nd Ed Warhammer!!), the banner, the negine block had a new ehaust to make it asymmetric and hence more "artisan" and the head was angled to look a the Ork..




I'll definitely look over that link at home, can't open it at work..


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