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It's obviously Askalleon as this is how Ward writes fluff.


"-Insert Uber Awesome Fan Boy Charecter (UAFBC) Name Here - is a mysterious marine that has been in the chapters history for centuries and has personnaly bitch slapped - Insert Daemon Primarch/Chaos God/Hive Mind/or Anything That Equals These Here - In a one on one fight.

No one knows where he came from but it is whispered that - Uses daemonswords/Walks in the realm of chaos/is a warp entity/a primarchs offspring/or pull something out of your arse here- and continues to examplify the Ultramarines as he secretly deep down wishes he was a smurff"


Don't get me wrong I like the concept of the Sanguinor but the way it has been written destroys the whole mystery of the guy.

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Bu then the Sang Guard would have to know about him not being the original Azkellion. And the codex says that they belive that he is. Not that 'they say' he is - they themselves believe he is.


Then , there is the problem that he appears and disappears without any transport. How does he get into a Boarding Torpedo with Dante and squad, and not be found until they are in the Chaos vessel? Not appeared as they left the BA vessel - thats a good few minutes hidden in a short tube, with a bunch of combat ready marines. Or how he appeared to fight Ka'banda out of thin air, after the BA had been stranded on the planet? That isnt possible if he was simply another marine in the old suit...


The same way the Legion of the Damned do.

Wow...thats actually a very good point! :lol:

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I wonder if the Sanguinor is a series of people wearing the same armour, passing the mantle on over time. That would make more sense. :tu:


Ace Rimmer anyone??? ;) There's got to be some Red Dwarf fans out there! ;)


The Sanguinor is surely Azkaellon.



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Bu then the Sang Guard would have to know about him not being the original Azkellion. And the codex says that they belive that he is. Not that 'they say' he is - they themselves believe he is.


Then , there is the problem that he appears and disappears without any transport. How does he get into a Boarding Torpedo with Dante and squad, and not be found until they are in the Chaos vessel? Not appeared as they left the BA vessel - thats a good few minutes hidden in a short tube, with a bunch of combat ready marines. Or how he appeared to fight Ka'banda out of thin air, after the BA had been stranded on the planet? That isnt possible if he was simply another marine in the old suit...


The same way the Legion of the Damned do.

Wow...thats actually a very good point! :lol:

Eggsactly, old bean... Not simply a mortal marine stepping into an old suit of armour.

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I honestly thinking the Sanguinor was just some random thing the writer came up with....he couldn't really explain why it was like that, so he just decided to play the "only time will tell" mystery card to have people speculating, while he himself, frankly, has no clue what the Sanguinor really is in the fluff, just that it "seemed cool at the time".
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I honestly thinking the Sanguinor was just some random thing the writer came up with....he couldn't really explain why it was like that, so he just decided to play the "only time will tell" mystery card to have people speculating, while he himself, frankly, has no clue what the Sanguinor really is in the fluff, just that it "seemed cool at the time".


I disagree. The concept is the same as the Legion of the Damned. No one really knows who they are, they can only speculate. In all honesty, I don't understand why people make it difficult because Ward wrote it. I have a feeling it wouldn't be an issue if someone else did.

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hey i dont have an issue with the sanguinator. i actually think hes cool and the mystery behind him aint a bad thing. what i disike its the other stuff such as the crons and astros fluff etc... or mephys story of becoming a deamon... really the dude should not be allowed near characters or fluff...
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What was wrong with Astro?


Also, for the crons, I can actually see dante doing that, all he really did was redirect his forces to the nids, and so the the crons. They both fought the greater threat.


Mephiston I was iffy about, but I think still like it. All he did was expand on the fact that Mephiston had mastered his mind, body, and soul after he beat the rage. The deamon putting doubt in him makes since as well, as it can put doubt it anyone. Idk.


But yeah, the Sanguinor is cool, and I believe it is Azkaelon doing some Legion of the Damned type thing, but am also up for the idea of it being part of Sanguinius soul. Heck, I even go for the "psychic aberrition" or whatever, because they do have a lot of psychic potential. Either way, Azkaellon is SWEET.

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As you may have noticed, I've removed the Astorath fluff discussion that bloomed here to its own topic.


Lets keep this one to theories about Azkaellon, and leave the discussion of Astorath's duties not making fluff sense to the other thread.

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id prefer if they do just go for a combination of things rather than hes a ghost or just a good warrior, rather he is azkellon, sanguiniuses herald, and the embodyment of the primarch with the spiritual power from the chapter etc...


They are going for the mystery though. We have now idea what it is, and thats what they want, and thats what I like. Thats why I like to say he is Azkaellon, because he's awesome.

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