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Battle report, blood angels versus dark Eldar

captain Angel

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I had an awsome game against dark eldar the other day, the day finecast was relised here is how it went.


my list

Dante (in resin!)

storm raven with huricane bolters typhoon missile, extra armour assult cannons

san gaurd with deathmask banner fist an infernus (s1)

san gaurd with deathmask fist an infernus (s2)

san gaurd with deathmask fist an infernus (s3)

3 priests with jumppack and power weapon.

about 1500 points


deployment. Raiders in ither corner, filled with kabalights, daos of destruction in center filled with incubi. daous had some crazy combat special charecter with a spear, and duke sisculus in the raider on my far right, blood brides in reserve


I had s2 on my far left with prist, s1 in the middle with priest and dante, and had s3 in the raven to the right a ways.


terain was a hill in his deployment zone, a few craters and a hill in the center, three objectives, two on my side one on his.


I had firs turn but he took it on a 4, uh oh


top first: he manuvered his vessles caused maby two marines dead, but took a raven with a lance shot. well that stinks.


bottom one: one squad each assault his raiders. stunned them both


top two: deploys web way blood brides haven't come


Bottom 2: kill his transports with shooting than s2 kills contents, while s1 kills the raider in combat


top 3: unit with the duck charges s1 and wipes out all but Dante, s2 finishes of there squad, Dante runs


Bottom 3 by now all i had was Dante and s2 with there priest down two men i fall back but use Dante to hold the line


at the end, it turned into Dante killing the other unit of kabalights, but due to bad placement getting himself slaughtered by incubi


but eh allowed my lonely last guard to get to safety on an objective, getting me a tie, bloodbrides were on another. ended on turn 5


i forgot to use the deathmask rules except for Dante nerfing a character.


I thought i was done for turn one. if i had changed one thing it would have dantes placement on that last turn. he could have contested the bride objective and won me that game.


great game though and had a great time

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Love the share but hard to follow and read. Maybe divide into sections of turns instead of everything one big giant flow every other line?


Good job on at least bringing in a tie at the end. DE are scary when done right. My friend has a real scary DE Venom/Raider spam list!

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1 vehicle and 19 marines in a 1500pt army - I'm not surprised that you nearly got tabled, TBH. Especially against something like Dark Eldar. I'd suggest droping 1 of the priests (if you're Sang guard squads are so pread out that 1 priest cant cover 2 squads then you've spread out far too much and are going to get isolated and overwhelmed), and all the deathmasks on the squads - especially against DE with a reasonable Ld, they're just not worth it.


165pts can get you a Baal, or a dakka pred, or a vindi, or 3 bikes with MM (roughly)..... I coud go on but I thing the message is clear.

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