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Dread w Inferno Cannon


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Hi Guys,


Looking through forgeworld and Ive stumbled upon a tasy looking Inferno Cannon for Dreadnoughts, can anybody point me to the relevent book/page for the rules of this?


Has any body used this set up?



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Imperial Armour Apocalypse. IIRC it is exactly the same inferno cannon as the hellhound. The cool thing about the siege dread is it's burnyness, as it gets a free heavy flamer attack against the occupants of the unfortunate building it's just ripped open. And it will rip open the building, any building with 2D6+10 armour penetration.
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it used to be in use and i think it had a random D6 roll to see if you used up all of its fuel and stopped working, but as of the updates to a siege dreadnought, these are now Flamestorm Cannons, just like on a land raider redeemer
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it used to be in use and i think it had a random D6 roll to see if you used up all of its fuel and stopped working, but as of the updates to a siege dreadnought, these are now Flamestorm Cannons, just like on a land raider redeemer


They are only flamestorm cannons if you are using the Siege Assault Vanguard army list. If you are just adding one from IAA then they are still inferno cannons.

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Yep be careful about giving rules away here. The rules source has been cited so that covers that aspect.


The question of if anybody's using the Inferno Cannon Dread set up isn't for the Official Rules forum I'm afraid, but for the Tactica Astartes or Amicus – but do a quick Searchy in case anyone's already asked the question :lol:.




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