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Captains and Artificer Armour

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Hi all, I recently played a game against my mate who was trying out his BA's. When My Captain was in close combat I came to my saves and pointed out that he was wearing Artificer armour. He then stated that they couldnt have it any more. So I showed him the wargear section in the SM:codex where the option to take it is clearly stated, and he was aghast and said that BA captains did not have that option!

This strikes me as strange since the sang guard have it but not captains..


Any reasons why they cannot have it or was it a mistake in print to ommit it?



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They just don't have it. Blame anyone you want, but they just don't have it. No reasons, it's just so. If you want a captain with artificer armour go with Tycho.


Seriously, this topic has been discussed for countless times. Almost everyone here has expressed his opinion, so I ask, don't start this over again. :(



If you want some logical explanation, I can come up with the following: Sang Guard were the Primarch personal bodyguard, and now fulfill the role of Chapter Master's guard. Their armor is a relic compared to Terminator one. The Captain is a leader, good fighter, but somehow he hasn't earned such glory. However Tycho has an artificer armor, but this can be because Dante saw him as his successor.

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They just don't have it. Blame anyone you want, but they just don't have it. No reasons, it's just so. If you want a captain with artificer armour go with Tycho.


Seriously, this topic has been discussed for countless times. Almost everyone here has expressed his opinion, so I ask, don't start this over again. :)


Ok.. Not blaming anyone just curious.. My Captains have it :(

So there.

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Or they decided that an IC with a 2+/3++ armor save that would still sweeping advance was OP. Maybe. Who knows? Just the way it is.
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Hi all, I recently played a game against my mate who was trying out his BA's. When My Captain was in close combat I came to my saves and pointed out that he was wearing Artificer armour. He then stated that they couldnt have it any more. So I showed him the wargear section in the SM:codex where the option to take it is clearly stated, and he was aghast and said that BA captains did not have that option!

This strikes me as strange since the sang guard have it but not captains..


Any reasons why they cannot have it or was it a mistake in print to ommit it?




They just can't have it. No mistake or anything like that. If yours have it, you cheat.

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Hi all, I recently played a game against my mate who was trying out his BA's. When My Captain was in close combat I came to my saves and pointed out that he was wearing Artificer armour. He then stated that they couldnt have it any more. So I showed him the wargear section in the SM:codex where the option to take it is clearly stated, and he was aghast and said that BA captains did not have that option!

This strikes me as strange since the sang guard have it but not captains..


Any reasons why they cannot have it or was it a mistake in print to ommit it?




They just can't have it. No mistake or anything like that. If yours have it, you cheat.


Erm you didnt read my OP.. I never stated that I played BA. Vanilla Marine Captains can. Therefore I am no cheat sir!

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Hi all, I recently played a game against my mate who was trying out his BA's. When My Captain was in close combat I came to my saves and pointed out that he was wearing Artificer armour. He then stated that they couldnt have it any more. So I showed him the wargear section in the SM:codex where the option to take it is clearly stated, and he was aghast and said that BA captains did not have that option!

This strikes me as strange since the sang guard have it but not captains..


Any reasons why they cannot have it or was it a mistake in print to ommit it?




They just can't have it. No mistake or anything like that. If yours have it, you cheat.


Erm you didnt read my OP.. I never stated that I played BA. Vanilla Marine Captains can. Therefore I am no cheat sir!


I will admit I was a bit hasty when reading that, but as this is the B.A board I assumed you were the B.A player when skimming. My bad.

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New players are constantly coming to BA, so inevitably they will ask the same questions that those who bought the new codex when it first came out have already asked. That is hardly their fault. More helpful would be to link them to earlier threads discussing the issue.


Personally, I only have the old space marines codex, for fluff reasons, and haven't bought the new one, so I was quite interested to hear that Codex marines captains can have artificer armour. I wonder what Matt Ward's thinking was in making the change.

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New players are constantly coming to BA, so inevitably they will ask the same questions that those who bought the new codex when it first came out have already asked. That is hardly their fault. More helpful would be to link them to earlier threads discussing the issue.


Personally, I only have the old space marines codex, for fluff reasons, and haven't bought the new one, so I was quite interested to hear that Codex marines captains can have artificer armour. I wonder what Matt Ward's thinking was in making the change.


Maybe the option got left out because so many SCs and units for us got artificer armor as a default. Would it be fair to allow yet another unit to access it when so many option for us have it already. We have 7 different things that have it, and one of them can be made into a troop choice, maybe they were trying to curtail the option to keep things more even.

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New players are constantly coming to BA, so inevitably they will ask the same questions that those who bought the new codex when it first came out have already asked. That is hardly their fault. More helpful would be to link them to earlier threads discussing the issue.


Personally, I only have the old space marines codex, for fluff reasons, and haven't bought the new one, so I was quite interested to hear that Codex marines captains can have artificer armour. I wonder what Matt Ward's thinking was in making the change.


Maybe the option got left out because so many SCs and units for us got artificer armor as a default. Would it be fair to allow yet another unit to access it when so many option for us have it already. We have 7 different things that have it, and one of them can be made into a troop choice, maybe they were trying to curtail the option to keep things more even.


If this is a potential problem then they should just increase the points cost for it not make it impossible to take.

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dont know the reason but i very VERY much disagree with it. same goes for the exclusion of astartes grenade launcher, relic blade, blade encarmine etc (i.e. anything interesting and/or BA specific) for the captain...


the captain will collect even more dust on my shelf then it used to :)

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Your captain CAN however, have dual claws and a jump pack, which is my preference for friendly games... and when he has a priest nearby to give him the +1Str buff on the charge he has 5-6 (don't remember) attacks that hit and wound (and reroll to wound) on 3s almost all day long. That said, not many of the people that play in my LGS play friendly games, they're usually trying out lists for a tourney... which means that when my BA successors (currently spreading papa nurgle's rot while I repaint the BA... I'm daring my patience to learn to paint white properly like I originally envisioned them) do hit the table I'm usually running dante with meltyguard, shield&sword libby, or a reclusiarch.
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Couldn't the BA captains get Artificer Armor in the previous codex? Anyways, since I don't do tournaments, my friends and people I play with allow eachother to make reasonable changes. Such chances would be artificer armor, and new heroes (as we play Successor Chapters). I mean, as I said, they are reasonable, and are not over powered. But we also play with a campaign, so we have a story and varying troops allowed, as well as a "pool" of troops. If we lose those troops, they are out of the pool, and can't be used later. So yeah, we have pros and cons, but its not for competitive play.


If you want to use artificer armor with BA's, just ask if the other players will allow it.

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