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Prep for tourny

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Been playing a bunch of games to prepare for the Bugeater GT.

Most recent was against Eldar, who, I know next to nothing about.


I run Seth with 5 bare bones DC in a Stormraven EA Hurricane bolters, w/DC dread Hvy Flamer kept in reserve.

2 Landspeeder Typhoons, Rifleman Dread w/Drop pod, Dakka Pred

10man Ras TH 2x Flamer rhino

9 man Ras PF Meltagun w/SHP+ Infernus pistol Rhino,

10 man Tac Plasma gun Lascannon Rhino.


He fielded 2 psyker guys, each in a squad in a grav tank, a third squad of melta equivelant in a grav tank, a pack of upgraded Scouts?, squad of guys with a heavy weapon platform, and Falcon? tank in reserve.


Turn 1, he killed a tac guy in a combat squad with a bolter.

My retaliation blew up 2 transports killing 7 in 1 and 6 in another pinning both.


Turn 2 Melta squad of his jumped my rifleman Dread, Scouts got a crew shaken on a rhino.

Other rhino double flamered his sniper guys, the other assualt squad cleaned them out. Stormraven clears out what was left in the craters of his 2 wrecked vehicles.


Turn 3 Eldar shot up another Tac marine. And backed into a corner

I encircled with my whole army, and we called it.


I know my 1850 list seems.....meh, but I'm liking it alot. It meshes together well. I've been feeling the sting of AV 14, but not much I can do about it now. Maybe later, I'll upgrade the tacs rhino to a TLLas back, since I seem to always combat squad them. 5 DC and Seth seem to get the job done with a DC dread and Stormraven backing them against anything that wanders near midtable. I will try to keep detailed reports of the tourny games with pictures.

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Been playing a bunch of games to prepare for the Bugeater GT.

Most recent was against Eldar, who, I know next to nothing about.


I run Seth with 5 bare bones DC in a Stormraven EA Hurricane bolters, w/DC dread Hvy Flamer kept in reserve.

2 Landspeeder Typhoons, Rifleman Dread w/Drop pod, Dakka Pred

10man Ras TH 2x Flamer rhino

9 man Ras PF Meltagun w/SHP+ Infernus pistol Rhino,

10 man Tac Plasma gun Lascannon Rhino.


He fielded 2 psyker guys, each in a squad in a grav tank, a third squad of melta equivelant in a grav tank, a pack of upgraded Scouts?, squad of guys with a heavy weapon platform, and Falcon? tank in reserve.


Turn 1, he killed a tac guy in a combat squad with a bolter.

My retaliation blew up 2 transports killing 7 in 1 and 6 in another pinning both.


Turn 2 Melta squad of his jumped my rifleman Dread, Scouts got a crew shaken on a rhino.

Other rhino double flamered his sniper guys, the other assualt squad cleaned them out. Stormraven clears out what was left in the craters of his 2 wrecked vehicles.


Turn 3 Eldar shot up another Tac marine. And backed into a corner

I encircled with my whole army, and we called it.


I know my 1850 list seems.....meh, but I'm liking it alot. It meshes together well. I've been feeling the sting of AV 14, but not much I can do about it now. Maybe later, I'll upgrade the tacs rhino to a TLLas back, since I seem to always combat squad them. 5 DC and Seth seem to get the job done with a DC dread and Stormraven backing them against anything that wanders near midtable. I will try to keep detailed reports of the tourny games with pictures.


Well firstly , congratz on the win. Your right in saying your list is a little strange , but it does have alot of important elements in it for a tournament list , (Long range support from Typhoons and Rifleman , Lascannon in tactical squad can help as well. And it has decent combat potential as well from the Ras and Death Co , the strangest element would probally be the double flamer squad , I suggest finding the points to get two meltaguns and a fist in there.).


I'm unsure of your local meta-game or what you're likely to experience at the tournament ( best of luck btw , and I look forward to reading battlereps) , so I'll presume you'll face the usually suspects ( Guard ,wolves etc) , how do you think your list would fare against the following armies?


Grey Knights with Msu psycannon squads supported by Dreads.

Dark Eldar with 8 venoms , all filled with blaster warrior and true born squads supported by ravangers.

Imperial Guard

Chaos with 9 obliterators and other stuff.

Other Marines with loads of shooting.

Space wolves with Msu Grey hunters and mass long fangs with missles or Thunderwolves spam.

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I've found the flamers invaluable. They run side by side with the melta squad.

I've played the Dark Eldar alot. They are a chess match to say the least if the player is good. If not, you can walk over them.

Very little Spacewolf experience. I know a guy from the game shoppe is running Logan, 9-10 termies with 2 Cyclone ML, and 3 Longfang squads.

I've played a game or 2 vs Grey Knights, but the player wasn't cheesy by fielding 6 Psyfleman Dreads, 3 being Venerable. If I come across that, I will dedicate my whole army to killing his troops off, and digging into cover.

Played Chaos a TON. 9 Oblits are gonna be a pain, if someone takes them at 1850. Have to dedicate all my range on them, and blitz them with assault elements.

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