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Renegade loyalists


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Hello again


Seems a bit weird post, as most renegades are indeed from loyalist chapters, but I'm looking for warbands that have been confirmed to be from one of the old loyalist Legions, and do fight against the Imperium together with/for chaos, and are not confirmed to be all dead.

Yes, I know that because Ultramarines have so many founding chapters, there are a lot of warbands that have ultramarine geneseed, but I can't find any direct proof they are really of the Ultramarines.

So I'm looking for a name, and if possible a color scheme of

- renegade Ultramarines

- renegade Space Wolves

- renegade Blood Angels

- renegade Iron Hands

- renegade Imperial Fist

- renegade Rave Guard

- renegade White Scars

- renegade Salamanders



Thank you for your time



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The 4th Edition Codex Chaos Space Marines (p. 18-19) speaks of a squad of the Sons of Guilliman Chapter going renegade (though it does not say specifically, I do assume they are of Ultramarine geneseed ;) ). The Sergeant became a mighty Champion and started to amass more forces from other renegade warbands. But it was not a full Sons of Guilliman warband, and it was not of the Ultramarines Chapter specifically, so I am not sure this is the kind of thing you are looking for.


The Codex Chaos Space Marines (p. 58-59) also describes how a few squads of Space Wolves were turning when their ship was being attacked by Huron Blackhearts Red Corsairs. Though they did not form their own warband and instead simply joined the Red Corsairs.


On page 24 there is an illustration of a Marine of the "Skyrar's Dark Wolves" warband, which operates in the Fenris Sector and are assumed to be a renegade Space Wolves great company, but there is no solid proof for that. (Also, I find it odd that the Space Wolves would not immediately hunt down such traitors, especially if they were operating near their homeworld.)


On page 20 there is an illustration of a "Knights of Blood" renegade. The Codex Blood Angels also names the Nights of Blood Chapter as one of the Blood Angels' successors, though the Chapter mentioned in the Codex Blood Angels has a different Chapter symbol and color scheme than the renegade shown in the Codex Chaos Space Marines, and though the Knights of Blood in the Codex Blood Angels were mistrusted for certain actions, they were fighting to help the Blood Angels none the less. So it may well be that this is supposed to be a different Chapter, and that the identical name is just a coincidence. Or perhaps some renegades were split off of the Chapter.


As far as I know there are no known renegade warbands that were from the loyalist Legions 10,000 years ago.

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Thanks for the quick replies,

Of the Dragon Warriors I had a feeling they were Salamanders and found some other threats supporting this idea.

As for the Sons of Guilliman in the chaos codex, they say he was killed and that only 'rebels' still fight in his name. I think those are not Astartes but just humans.

Skyrar Dark Wolves I also believe to be Space Wolves, but that are the same as mentioned with the Red Corsairs, I do not know.


The Knights of Blood, I think are really 2 different factions.



So far we have:

Salamanders - Dragon Warriors

Dark Angels - The Fallen

Space Wolves - Skyrar Dark Wolves.


To be honest, I already had these in mind. Was hoping to find some of the other Legions aswel ;) But thank you for confirming these :)

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I am willing to see successor chapters in the answers, aslong as there is some kind of proof they have related-geneseed to their original chapter.

Maybe that wasn't clear in my original post. I know a few warband that have members of the loyalist legions, but they do not have a mayority in that warband. I'm hoping to find some warbands that do B)

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Since pretty much any marines have geneseed from one of the original legions either directly or indirectly, ALL renegades with few if any exceptions would have geneseed related to the original legions. It's just tricky tying down which ones. With just law of averages, Ultramarine base stock likely produces the most traitors due to having so many more successors, who contribute more geneseed, repeating the process, while the Iron Hands or Space Wolves for example may have fewer renegades springing forth from their seed simply due to less opportunity.
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Dark Angels - The Fallen
AFAIK The Fallen is just a catch all term for the disloyal Dark Angels. It is not a single warband. Not so sure on that, but there may be even some of the Fallen who don't ally themselves with chaos but just didn't follow the Legion's leadership during the heresy, especially those who were born on Caliban.
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There was an old article for chaos that covered renegades over traitor legions, it covered the Astral Claws for the most part but within the articles the author covered adding other loyalist chapters into squads to add more colour


for example he included within his sample squad


A Space Wolf

A Nova Marine

A Raven Guard (Which I'm sure features later in novels featuring Honsou of the Iron Warriors)

and another


Their armour was the same as their chapters with red corsair X's


Not wonderful but very characterful for a renegade warband

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Dark Angels - The Fallen
AFAIK The Fallen is just a catch all term for the disloyal Dark Angels. It is not a single warband. Not so sure on that, but there may be even some of the Fallen who don't ally themselves with chaos but just didn't follow the Legion's leadership during the heresy, especially those who were born on Caliban.


The Fallen are the ones who broke away from the Imperium and turned to Chaos while the Lion was off Crusading against Horus. After a nasty confrontation on their homeworld, the Fallen scattered right around the time the whole planet blew up. Because they know they are being hunted, most of the Fallen usually do not collect in more than a small squad so as to minimize the Unforgiven's attention. However, they have, at times, gathered in noticeable numbers at times. Little is known of them except in the DA codex, and they really have no mention in the current and previous CSM codex, so information tends to be limited.


The Fallen may have included those who fell afterwards, but is generally attributed specifically to the original Legionnaires.


Sidenote: Some avid Dark Angels players call those who use any other codex but their exclusive codex to field them as Fallen as well.

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Also, fallen tend to gather around Cypher on his slow but steady course towards terra with a mysterious sword...


2nd ed Chodex: Chaos has tons of fluff about them, almost two whole pages! :rolleyes:

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