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Jump Pack Torso


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Greetings all, this is my 1st post on these forums although iv been a lurker for some time now.


Im returning to the hobby after a long break. I played BA mostly during the 2nd and 3rd additions of the game. After going to university I stopped playing and havent really had a game in the last 10 years.


Iv decided to return to my original army of choice although to make things slightly different im going with the Flesh Tearers.


My plan is to buy 4x assault and 1x death company box sets to get me started. Im going to magnetize the Jump packs to allow me to swap over to regular back packs.


Is it better to use the regular marine torsos when you wish to use them as jump and foot slogging infantry or does the jump pack torso look perfectly acceptable with a regular backpack?

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If you're going with interchangeable backpacks, regular torsos are better. I'm doing the same thing - 20 magnetised assault marines, and for 10 or 15 of them I'm going to use regular torsos (I won't have more). You may look the images in Codex: Blood Angels, with Assault marines and Vanguard Veteran, and the assault marines minis in showcase section also have regular torsos.
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Welcome to the B&C, and welcome back to the hobby. :mellow:


I don't care for the jump pack "straps" personally. I no longer have any in my army.


I am doing all of my new assault squads with DC boxes, and I have done what you intend to do, magnetize the packs for dual purposing. It works very well and looks great. Since the price is the same for Assault Marines and Death Company boxes, I don't see a reason to buy the AM at all. The DC box has the added benefit of having both regular and Jump Packs in addition to the various BA themed bits and Infernous pistols, Boltguns, etc.

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Thanks for all the replies.


Using the DC boxes for assault squads sounds like a good idea. Since the assault box apparently also includes regular torsos and back packs it may be worth mixing a few of the boxes to create squads. My original plan was to use the DC box to make a couple of sanguinary priests and sergeants etc to stand apart form the rest.


Looks like i'll go the regular torso route, I actually much prefer the look of the winged skull ones anyway. if I dont have enough they seem to be peanuts on bitz sites.

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All the photos of regular assault marines without jump-packs in the codex (they are all from successor chapters) show them with normal chest armour, not straps. On the other hand, there are plenty of photos in the codex of figures with jumpacks but no straps, from Dante onwards, including the regualr assault troops. The non strap torsos are more versatile.
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I had the same question a while ago and went strapless.


1. Non-straps look better on assault than straps do on tacs, so if you're magnetizing non-strap wins.

2. Even codex pics seem to be lightening up as you can find assault marines w/o straps.

3. Vanguard vets have no straps. Do they really have a different attachment mechanism?

4. Never really bought the straps to begin with. Do you believe the jump packs are literally strapped on? Seems odd given the normal packs aren't and the stress on the jump packs would be much higher. I assume they're magnetically attached or clamped on and forget about the straps.


I say go to the big dance with your shoulders showing.

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Yeh I agree that it does seem odd that jump packs are just fixed by a couple of straps where as the regular backpack are integrated into the armor. Im not sure if the jump pack is a completely separate unit or is supposed to fit over the regular back pack though.
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its all personal preference, i personally have the straps on mine, as that is what I wanted, but I think that they look fine either way. If I were to magnetize jumppacks, i would prolly go with no strap torsos, that way they look fine no matter how you run them.
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