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How much freedom do I have when modelling?


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I am just getting into 40k and creating my first army. I have decided on playing Thousand Sons because their fluff is bad-ass :) But I have a question about customizing and creating models: how much creative freedom am I allowed?



For example, for my first HQ I would like to create a Chaos Lord with a jump pack. But it looks like not many of the CSM boxes or sprues come with jump packs unless I want to use Raptors. I have read some people say that 40k is WYSIWYG so your models must match *exactly* to the fluff/models/codex etc. Am I allowed to build a CSM but put a regular space marine jump pack on his back? Can I just build the model normally and *say* he has a jump pack, so long as I pay the points cost for my army and explain it to my opponent beforehand? Also the new Grey Knights models have an interesting looking "teleportation pack" - can I put that on my Chaos Lord and pretend he is 'teleporting' around the battlefield, so long as I use the jump pack rules during play so it stays balanced?


Likewise, I don't really know if my Chaos Lord should have e.g. a power fist vs a lightning claw. I'd like to play a few games and experiment, but I'm excited to build the model right away. Am I allowed to use, say, a possessed model hand and treat it as a power fist during one game but a lightning claw during the next (so long as I pay the points for each, of course)? Does all of this really just depend on my opponent and what they are willing to play with?


Thanks, thoughts are appreciated.


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I am just getting into 40k and creating my first army. I have decided on playing Thousand Sons because their fluff is bad-ass :)


Welcome to 40K, to Chaos, and to the B&C culix!


But I have a question about customizing and creating models: how much creative freedom am I allowed?



For example, for my first HQ I would like to create a Chaos Lord with a jump pack. But it looks like not many of the CSM boxes or sprues come with jump packs unless I want to use Raptors. I have read some people say that 40k is WYSIWYG so your models must match *exactly* to the fluff/models/codex etc. Am I allowed to build a CSM but put a regular space marine jump pack on his back? Can I just build the model normally and *say* he has a jump pack, so long as I pay the points cost for my army and explain it to my opponent beforehand? Also the new Grey Knights models have an interesting looking "teleportation pack" - can I put that on my Chaos Lord and pretend he is 'teleporting' around the battlefield, so long as I use the jump pack rules during play so it stays balanced?


Likewise, I don't really know if my Chaos Lord should have e.g. a power fist vs a lightning claw. I'd like to play a few games and experiment, but I'm excited to build the model right away. Am I allowed to use, say, a possessed model hand and treat it as a power fist during one game but a lightning claw during the next (so long as I pay the points for each, of course)? Does all of this really just depend on my opponent and what they are willing to play with?


Thanks, thoughts are appreciated.



You hit the nail on the head in the last part - it all really depends on who you play with.


For the most part those ideas sound fine. WYSIWYG is supposed to limit confusion, not inhibit modeling options. It's so you don't say "this bolter that looks like all these other bolters is a plasma gun", not to restrict "this ginormous two-handed spiked mace counts as a power fist".


For the lord, a regular SM jump pack should be just fine. People mix the various CSM and SM kits all the time. Another simple way is to use one of the sets of wings from the possessed kit. The GK pack would probably be fine too. The main things are a) let your opponent know and b ) be consistent - ie don't give that same type of backpack to other models who AREN'T jump infantry.


As for PF vs LC, I think most folks would be OK with your solution, again just make it clear at the start of the game. A lot of folks also magnetize arms on some figs to allow for easy swaps (check the modeling sections, I'm sure there are tutorials). Overall though I think you'll find that for HQs most avoid PF due to "wasting" the high initiative, and tend to go with lightning claws or daemon weapons (when they use lords at all). THe Tzeentch daemon weapon is pretty sweet, so no big loss there. ;-)


Good luck and enjoy the army and the hobby!

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I am just getting into 40k and creating my first army. I have decided on playing Thousand Sons because their fluff is bad-ass :)


Welcome to 40K, to Chaos, and to the B&C culix!


But I have a question about customizing and creating models: how much creative freedom am I allowed?



For example, for my first HQ I would like to create a Chaos Lord with a jump pack. But it looks like not many of the CSM boxes or sprues come with jump packs unless I want to use Raptors. I have read some people say that 40k is WYSIWYG so your models must match *exactly* to the fluff/models/codex etc. Am I allowed to build a CSM but put a regular space marine jump pack on his back? Can I just build the model normally and *say* he has a jump pack, so long as I pay the points cost for my army and explain it to my opponent beforehand? Also the new Grey Knights models have an interesting looking "teleportation pack" - can I put that on my Chaos Lord and pretend he is 'teleporting' around the battlefield, so long as I use the jump pack rules during play so it stays balanced?


Likewise, I don't really know if my Chaos Lord should have e.g. a power fist vs a lightning claw. I'd like to play a few games and experiment, but I'm excited to build the model right away. Am I allowed to use, say, a possessed model hand and treat it as a power fist during one game but a lightning claw during the next (so long as I pay the points for each, of course)? Does all of this really just depend on my opponent and what they are willing to play with?


Thanks, thoughts are appreciated.



You hit the nail on the head in the last part - it all really depends on who you play with.


For the most part those ideas sound fine. WYSIWYG is supposed to limit confusion, not inhibit modeling options. It's so you don't say "this bolter that looks like all these other bolters is a plasma gun", not to restrict "this ginormous two-handed spiked mace counts as a power fist".


For the lord, a regular SM jump pack should be just fine. People mix the various CSM and SM kits all the time. Another simple way is to use one of the sets of wings from the possessed kit. The GK pack would probably be fine too. The main things are a) let your opponent know and b ) be consistent - ie don't give that same type of backpack to other models who AREN'T jump infantry.


As for PF vs LC, I think most folks would be OK with your solution, again just make it clear at the start of the game. A lot of folks also magnetize arms on some figs to allow for easy swaps (check the modeling sections, I'm sure there are tutorials). Overall though I think you'll find that for HQs most avoid PF due to "wasting" the high initiative, and tend to go with lightning claws or daemon weapons (when they use lords at all). THe Tzeentch daemon weapon is pretty sweet, so no big loss there. ;-)


Good luck and enjoy the army and the hobby!


My friend here said it straight and true, listen to him!

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actually, I'd use the wings from the possessed, since wings are an option for a chaos lord, and wings still allow a lord to be put into a transport, the jump packs do not. And you totally could pass a possessed arm as a power fist or the like. Anyhow, welcome to the B&C and to 40k.



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A wings are a good option for HQs while jump packs are a bad one

B the chaos FAQ says that to get wings rules the wings have to be modeled . so no jump pack counts as.

C If your taking a lord it doesnt realy mattet anyway.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey everyone,


I just wanted to pop in again and say thanks for the kind words. The more I work on my models the more I am liking it ;)


Work on my Thousand Sons has been slow but fun - I have finished prepping the heads, shoulder pads, legs, fronts, and backs so far, and I'm working on the bolters. Tonight I glued the completed torso on top of the legs and base, and it looks good! I finally feel like I have the start of an army and figures that look cool instead of a jumbled collection of bits B)


Anyway, cheers!


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