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Grey Knight - First Full Model in 7 Years


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Hi All,


As the title states, this is my first fully painted mini in 7 years. I have painted parts and worked on techniques for the past 3 weeks, but never painted a full model.


I know there are somethings that need some work, like the highlights on the back, drilling out the barrel of the storm bolter, mold lines etc.


Well let me know what you think and how I can improve (I am especially interested in power weapon techniques as I am not happy with how mine turned out).










I am still working on the backpack, however this part of the model is 100% complete.


Thanks in advance!

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It is beautifully neat, sweet job on the purity seals and the parchment. The main problem I see with it is that the grey lacks definition. You should try giving it a wash of one of the darker inks befor you highlight it. Otherwise I'd start with a darker grey and work your way up to the colour you have now. You have a similar problem with the power weapon, usually I'd blend up from a darker blue. It'll improve the look of the weapon. Other than that there are some really sweet tutorials on power weapons online, some of them with techniques that wouldnt have ever crossed my mind.
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While I am by no means a pro painter i have recently been working on some layering on my BA termies ( will post pics when it's done ). As for the grey he is right it needs some definition I can give the advice to paint a base of codex grey then use a black wash which will darken the whole model up then simply add either bleached bone or white (whichever you have) in little bits at a time and layer up a bit. As for the power weapon starting from perhaps necron abyss i think it's called then woprking up to white or the ice blue and if you can't get a perfect layer I find going over it with a wash can help them look more natural. Anyways good luck the model looks great other than some definition on the grey.


Take what I say with a grain of salt im still new :D

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Well done for coming back to the fold of mini painting ;)

he looks pretty good,the shoulder pad is excellent and the purity seals are spot on,the grey armor needs some better defintion/highlights are a little heavy in places,but that comes with time(and more painting :o )

im going to say the light is probably not helping either,my guess is he looks much better in real life than in the pic's.

keep going,hope to see an armies worth from you in the near future!!



cheers, Mithril

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Thanks for the comments. Yeah when I took the pictures I had the flash on, on my iphone which didnt help and right lightened many of the colors (for example the darkest color on the sword is midnight blue over black primer).


I agree it needs some more definition and thinner highlights.


Thanks again and keep them coming.

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