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Ok, I did a search but didn't find the answer to the question I'm looking for.


If I run Vulkan & Pedro in the same army, do I get to MC/TL the hammers & hairdryers instead of combat tactics & stubborn & Sternguard count as scoring? I just wanted to be clear as to whether or not Pedro's Hold the Line is INCLUDED in his chapter tactics replacement of combat tactics or if it's just a special rule?


IOW: do I still get the upgraded weapons & sternguard as scoring.


Also, do the honour guard have to be attached to the chapter master? I know that's kinda a dumb Q but I was curious.


And lastly, while I'm asking Qs, how bout a really stupid one that's bugged me for awhile now: do I HAVE to use a drop pod model to drop pod? I assume yes now that there is one, but I wasn't 100%.


I ask these Qs because this will be my first time using honor guard, more than one special HQ char & honour guard.


Thanks to all who help me.

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You need 2 special characters in your army?


If you have a drop pod you made yourslef (like from those templates a few years ago) its all good. If you plan to use a coke can, you had better check with your gaming opponents. At least stick fins on it :)



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In order:


This came up before, try searching better. No, you cannot. It's either Pedro or Vulkan, I'm afraid.


No, retinues are almost gone at this point.


In a GW event, which is rare, yes. Otherwise, yes, but if you're in a tournament, make sure you check with the organizer if it looks significantly different.

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The basics have been addressed, but just to add some anecdotes:


This came up before, try searching better. No, you cannot. It's either Pedro or Vulkan, I'm afraid.

Only one Special Character's "Chapter Tactics" can override Combat Tactics; this was addressed in the SM FAQ.


No, refilled are almost gone at this point.

Yep, he can join the Honour Guard via the IC rule, but is not compelled to. That was a 4th Ed. thing and is pretty rare now.


In a GW event, which is rare, yes. Otherwise, yes, but if you're in a tournament, make sure you check with the organizer if it looks significantly different.

The rule of thumb for FLGS tournies I've seen is that each model needs to be composed of at least 50% GW parts, and at times the most esoteric rule that LotR minies cannot be used in Warhammer games in any capacity. (The latter one doesn't come often, but definitely would at a GW-run tournie.) Bottom-line for friendly games is to make sure your opponent is cool with it, but it's polite and proper of you to ensure that whatever you proxy for a drop pod is the same size as one (for true LOS purposes).


If it's at all encouraging, the DP kit is a fun one to put together. ;)

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My apologies. My phone changed retinues to refueled. I agree with all of Thade's reasons.

You know what's funny about this is that I was straining to try and remember that word; tip-of-my-tongue and it just wouldn't come out. RETINUE. Yea, those are rare now.


Glad you posted this; that was bugging the crap out of me!

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Just verified to be sure but yes Kantor's hold the line special rule is tied to his chapter tactics, so if you take vulkans tactic instead you do not have scoring sternguard. You would still benefit from Kantor's ability to bring honour guard and his Inspiring Presence special rule, which might still be enough to bring him along for the ride;)
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