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Custom Chapter Terminators


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Hello all! I am an avid follower of these forums, and I've been really inspired by the great pictures I have seen and wanted to share some of the images of the photos I have of my newly painted Space Marines. Please enjoy and let me know what you think! :cuss



Chaplain Commidus and Squad Reaper moving through the brush towards their prey



Another action photo of Commidus and Squad Reaper



Another close up of Chaplain Commidus

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Technically, if you're using the regular Space Marine Codex, the squad is illegal (can't have a heavy flamer and assault cannon in 5 men).

That said though, your painting is excellent. The freehand chapter symbol especially is amazing! Have you thought up a name for the chapter yet?

The highlights on the black of the Chaplain might be a bit thick in spots, but I can barely paint anyways, and it all looks fantastic.

Kudos to you sir. :cuss

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Technically, if you're using the regular Space Marine Codex, the squad is illegal (can't have a heavy flamer and assault cannon in 5 men).

That said though, your painting is excellent. The freehand chapter symbol especially is amazing! Have you thought up a name for the chapter yet?

The highlights on the black of the Chaplain might be a bit thick in spots, but I can barely paint anyways, and it all looks fantastic.

Kudos to you sir. <_<


Thanks! Yes, I know it's not a legal squad, it was for a special Space Hulk scenario we did this past weekend (it was a blast!). I call my chapter the Death Angels. I hope to eventually do a Codex Astartes article for them on this site, as I've created an entire backstory and have quite a battle history, and these are the latest models of a much larger army I have painted and been playing for years.


As my painting skill has evolved, these are the latest and the best of my collection. I am actually going to start painting new squads and re-painting my old squads to this standard of quality, and will hopefully post more pictures here. :P

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Thanks! Yes, I know it's not a legal squad, it was for a special Space Hulk scenario we did this past weekend (it was a blast!). I call my chapter the Death Angels. I hope to eventually do a Codex Astartes article for them on this site, as I've created an entire backstory and have quite a battle history, and these are the latest models of a much larger army I have painted and been playing for years.


As my painting skill has evolved, these are the latest and the best of my collection. I am actually going to start painting new squads and re-painting my old squads to this standard of quality, and will hopefully post more pictures here. <_<

Great! Looking forward to it. Gonna be interesting to see the chapter symbols replicated on regular power armour... :P

Again, seriously fine work. An army of these will really stand out.

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now here are some very well done terminators I approve sir. and you made them for a space hulk campaign event. O.o that intrigues me. how would you run a campaign like that... but also how did you do in it?


apart from that beautiful models and i would like to see more of a complete army done like this :P kinda curious how it the whole army would look.

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Here is a standard power armor guy I did, with hand painted chapter marking. This picture is not as good though, my girlfriend is a much better photographer! :P



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That chapter symbol is really great work. It fills that space nicely without looking crowded. I also like how you used the blue base color as an accent color for your chaplain. There's no mistaking that chaplain for belonging to any other chapter. Bold move sir kudos. Your painting is also very clean which makes your freehand look that much better.
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My technique for painting the chapter badge has evolved along with my painting skill. I have a system now, and it's actually not too difficult. I paint basic shapes in dark gray/black for the winged reaper. A long triangle for the lower body a diamond for the upper body, a smaller diamond for the hooded head and then two larger odd sized triangles for the wings, then I paint lines for the wings, the hood, and the scythe with codex (cold) gray, and then finally I go over this line work with skull white to highlight and give the badge depth. It doesn't take too long either despite how that sounds. I usually do assembly line painting for the rank and file and I will just paint the chapter badges one phase at a time for each marine. It ends up looking uniform and consistent.


I spend more time for charcter models and try to give it more detail, of course. I will have to take a picture of the Chaplains right shoulder pad, it has a winged skeleton sculpted onto it, I took some green stuff and fashioned it holding a scythe so it would identify him as a Death Angel, and it came out pretty good. Mind you, it was my first time using green stuff in this way.

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