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Crucible of Malediction vs GK Transports

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Short and sweet.


The Crucible of Malediction forces any and all psykers within a set distance to take a leadership test. If they fail, they are removed from the table. No saves, nada. Now, assuming all (?) GK vehicles are psykers (they have a nice little power that allow them to ignore shaken and stunned damage results). So what happens if, say, a Rhino full of Grey Knights fails its lovely Ld 10 test? It is removed from the table, what of the people inside? Is it counted as simply destroyed? Or are the passengers removed as well? And what of a Storm Raven with a Dreadnought in tow? Glancing hit on the Dreadnought, or does it join the Storm Raven in oblivion? Naturally, the Dreadnought also have to take the test if it close enough to the Crucible user.


But in short, what happens to the passengers? The vehicle isn't destroyed as per the damage tables, it is simply removed. No explosions, no crater, no wreck, nothing to mark its passing.

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This is tricky as C:GK "Psychic Pilot" rule p21 it counts as psychic and for the purposes of 2 test counts as LD10(Psychic test and psychic hoods) otherwise the normal rules for vehicles apply and they auto pass all morale tests and have no LD value (which is different to a 0 value).



so it count as a psychic but it cant fail a LD test as it has no such value to test against (unlike a LD of 0 which is an auto fail)


So all C:GK vehicles will be unaffected, but the rules I've seen dont "seem" to stop the troops inside from being affected by the Crucible. The rules stop psychic and shooting attacks from affecting embarked units but this wargear is nether.


Note C:GK brotherhood of psykers stops the wargear from affecting all models in the sq only one model (srg or one random model) get affected from anything that specifically targets psychics.


edit:changed the summary to all C:GK vehicles. and GK unit only gets hurt on one model

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This actually is pretty clear, as similar situations have come up before. Vehicles cannot fail LD tests and embarked passengers may not be targeted. As such, there would be no effect on a GK transport with an embarked squad of GK.



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but the vehicles auto passed before because it had no LD value and it is still the same as before except in 2 scenarios psychic tests and psychic hoods when the psychic pilot rule gives them LD 10 temporarily.


psychic pilot is only rule I know of that gives a LD to a vehicle and at that only for certain test.

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Correct. GK vehicles and Librarian Dread still have no LD score even though they are treated as having LD10 for activating psychic powers and contesting vs a pschic hood. The Crucible forces a LD test, which a vehicle automatically passes, and therefore has no effect on vehicles including GK vehicles and Librarian Dreads.



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As stated above GK vehicles as it stands are immune because of a lack of ld. for this test. (argueably)


The Librarian Furioso is most definitely not. His rules specifies that he is ld 10 for all purposes related to being a psyker and is thusly effected.

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