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Space Hulk marines


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Having missed out on a space hulk box two years ago, I've been trying to build my collection of these awesome models off ebay. The really frustrating part is that every time I do a search, the same handful of sellers crop up again and again with yet another crop of rare models to drip feed out at extortionate prices. The sets were made limited edition as a nostalgia piece, but from current evidence it would seem they mostly wound up in the hands of people who just wanted to make a profit. Both GW and legitimate collectors are missing out here, and the sets are being ruined by being sold off piecemeal.
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Having missed out on a space hulk box two years ago, I've been trying to build my collection of these awesome models off ebay. The really frustrating part is that every time I do a search, the same handful of sellers crop up again and again with yet another crop of rare models to drip feed out at extortionate prices. The sets were made limited edition as a nostalgia piece, but from current evidence it would seem they mostly wound up in the hands of people who just wanted to make a profit. Both GW and legitimate collectors are missing out here, and the sets are being ruined by being sold off piecemeal.

Yeah... It sucks balls.

Big time. I'm glad that I have at least one box for playing the game. But it's hard to use the tactical terminators in the 40K environment. At least for BA. So I really need another box for conversions. But not for these prices.

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Yeah it is lame...But nothing anyon can do about it unfortunately. I missed out on the box myself and remember looking on ebay quite often to very nearly buying some of them until I realised they just were not worth that people were asking for them.


Fortunately they weren't sold out in Spain and my girlfriend managed to get a box over to me ;) ok I can't play the game since the rules are en espanol, but the i was lucky in getting the minis

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When was the last time you went out an bought a $100+ board game?

exactly. The only reason I bought Space Hulk was for the 12 BA terminators (figuring 100 dollars for BA terminators was not a bad deal)

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They could drop the printing production standards a lot though, and get it down to a more reasonable introductory box price.

A lot of the expense was due to the embossing on the card-stock, which required each sheet to be pressed after it had been printed.

Get rid of that stage, use a lighter card stock and you could reduce the price considerably.

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there was a rumour of gw selling the game to some other company so they could make it cheaper and of lower quality, but ive heard of nothing since. to be honest it would be better if they were as ornate but not strictly ba theamed as it would also sell more and be better for conversions... not that i care i got the set and then had the hard job of trying to make the rest of my terminators look like they belonged in the same force as the termys... not an easy task... especially for the aobr ones...
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I suggest the OP take a look on Ebay for posters that MondoTees.com sells. They sell out in minutes there, but then somehow make it to Ebay where they go for 3-5x the original price before the poster ships. I think such behavior is a symptom of the collectibility factor. Obviously, it works or it wouldn't be occurring.
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What I don't understand is why make it a limited addition if the game sells so well, GW are really losing out here.


My pet theory is that GW offered FFG the miniature-based games along with the non-miniature based ones but FFG didn't think it was worth it, with the limited edition Space Hulk being an attempt to show FFG it was worth the dough in the hopes they'd change their mind.

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I hope they do not really lower the price of the game, because I bought it. However, it would be sweet to have the Terminators themselves (without the rules or non-playable models, such as the relics and dead terminator) sold in a seperate pack. Just as detailed, and with adjustable parts. That would be cool. But not the whole game for cheaper.




And make more of the games to be sold for the whole thing.

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Buy the board game, paint the figures and base them on round bases, and use them on the table top or in the board game. Why not.


But buy the board game and sell the pieces to table-top gamers, leaving you with a useless board game and (it being a limited edition) depriving some-one who would have wanted to play the game of the ability to do so, that seems a bit sad.


I have seen some ACW games where you can buy the plastic figures separately, for use in wargaming. That would probably have been the nicest thing for GW to have done, or bought out a BA terminator box using the same details. Or (i'm shuddering now, in case this is what they are thinking) bring them out again as fine cast, costing even more than the game.


Finally the FF game 'Death Angel' I actually think is superior. All the atmosphere and the art but with rules you can pick up at a beer and prezels party. You can even use the miniatures to stand on the cards if you want a 3D experience!

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I suppose you would not be impressed if I told you I have 9 unopened boxes of Space Hulk then? well okay I haven't got 9 but I have got 4 and one opened totalling at 5 the Plans for the 4 unopened is Keep one sell the rest once they reach a decent Price overseas Yes I might be a dick BUT they cost me like 3 times the amount half of you lot would have paid :tu:
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I suppose you would not be impressed if I told you I have 9 unopened boxes of Space Hulk then? well okay I haven't got 9 but I have got 4 and one opened totalling at 5 the Plans for the 4 unopened is Keep one sell the rest once they reach a decent Price overseas Yes I might be a dick BUT they cost me like 3 times the amount half of you lot would have paid :P

You are annoying. No offense but why are you doing this?

Buy shares of a company if you want to make a profit.

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I eBay'd mine as it was just gathering dust. Looking at the feedback the guy that bought it had, he had purchased about 20 sets over the previous months - My guess is he was selling the miniatures through another eBay account. I regret selling it now, as I've recently started a BA army - No chance I'm paying the crazy prices being asked for now.
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I suppose you would not be impressed if I told you I have 9 unopened boxes of Space Hulk then? well okay I haven't got 9 but I have got 4 and one opened totalling at 5 the Plans for the 4 unopened is Keep one sell the rest once they reach a decent Price overseas Yes I might be a dick BUT they cost me like 3 times the amount half of you lot would have paid :D



Yeah, I have to say this is a real dick move. Sorry but there are plenty of other investments out there, and this basically involves nothing constructive on your part, merely denying something to people you put no effort into making, then selling it at vastly inflated prices. I really wish GW had put a one per customer limit on Space Hulk but it'd be a pain to enforce.

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Is it bad that I'm actually looking at the prices on Ebay and still considering a copy? I was one of the first people in the world to open a copy of Space Hulk (Our stores demo copy) and enjoy those miniatures, only to not be able to afford my own copy.


Annoying thing is I saw a complete copy on Freecycle a couple of months back but was too slow to reply. :/

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Well I was not expecting to be thrown to the wolves on owning 5 boxes One gets heavily played one is going to be kept in its wrapper and I will be selling 3 at some point I am from NZ we have stores that still have them in stock and well Down here we pay premium for our things for no real reason.


I will not be cutting apart the sprue's and selling them separately they will be sold as a box for collectors as is the main reason I bought a couple or 3 extra My mate also has the old box in its wrapper along with my Warhammer Quest game New in box.


Oh and to those who call me annoying and that I should buy Shares oh and do what with them? Pay through my bottom for them and get nothing in return apart from a thank you letter from GW for paying 2.5X the cost of their Products.


Oh and my final note on this I was going to put them on ebay and recover what I paid in a couple of years after the craze of chopped up Spacehulk boxes was gone and not be one of the types of SPACEHULK 1000cash monies PLZ people.

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I suppose you would not be impressed if I told you I have 9 unopened boxes of Space Hulk then? well okay I haven't got 9 but I have got 4 and one opened totalling at 5 the Plans for the 4 unopened is Keep one sell the rest once they reach a decent Price overseas Yes I might be a dick BUT they cost me like 3 times the amount half of you lot would have paid :D


It's actually pretty decent forethought. A hefty cost up front, but you stand to make a pretty decent profit. Which i'm sure quite a bit of it will be dumped right back into the plastic crack that GW peddles. And Bro Nihm is right, it's all supply and demand. If you look at it objectively, we are all subjected to it constantly by GW ALL THE TIME. Up up up the prices go, and we keep buyin. Just how it goes. Maybe it just smarts more because it was a limited run? In my opinion limited edition runs suck. I'm pissed about black library doing these new novellas at crazy prices and limited runs. But in two years they'll be out in mass print. Maybe space hulk will be the same.


As for my copy, I sold off the gene stealers, kept 3 of the termies (and the dead one..,) gave the Libby to a friend, and sold off the rest. My intention was to paint them all, but real life got in the way. If they end up actually seeing a gaming table at some point for another BA player, awesome. My 2



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