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Vanguard or Independent Characters?

Tro_lee boy

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I am thinking of buying a box of sanguinary guard and was thinking of either converting it to vanguard veterans or into a libby, reclusiarch and 3 snag priests.

I mostly play against tau and have a lot of trouble with broadsides and crisis suits. I was thinking of using the vanguards to disrupt them and tie them up with a heroic intervention.

I play a hybrid army but have a problem of mostly using either Mephy or Dante and they are just a massive points sink. The sang priests would add some much needed survivability.


So what do you think?

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id go with a bit of both, infact id say get a death co box too and mix between the 2 and give yourslef the ability to have a flashy libarian, a dark and brooding chaplin, priests that are a bit of both and blinged vanguard vets... using pure sanguard bits will just make them look like vanguard painted differently... tats my thoughts anyway...
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For the Sanguinary Priest you would still need a narthecium, which are kind of hard to come by.



A little bit of creativity can go a long way... Check out my conversion Here just about all the way on the bottom of the page. A few bits here and there, and boom, suitable narth. And depending on how you paint your priests, they should stick out enough so your opponent knows whats what.



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That looks really good. I spy a Sanguinary Guard arm and an Auspex. What's the rest?



Yes, that stuff and...


A few bits cut off the back of any marine vehicle searchlight, an antennae off of the rhino driver helmet, the handle/grip of the BA combat knife for the probie bit, and though its hard to see in the pic, a bit "wire" bit off of a forge world jump pack.



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