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Termie Helmets

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If you can't guess that the guy in TDA is a veteran, you don't deserve the clue? :P


I was more curious for the break in color scheme versus how they describe it in the codex on page 71. I will admit that the all red looks good like the tacticals which I might eventually build, but as far as how I want my force initially they aren't part of the plan. This was just one of those odd things as it breaks their own color scheme.

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Probably for the simple reason they have have always been red.

By rights they should have changed to yellow with 2nd edition when the 1st company's power armour became purely assault veterans - its possible they kept red then because they had been red when the red/yellow/blue helmet colours were adopted halfway through RT - but that was presumably because in the RT army list a Terminator squad was called a Terminator Tactical Squad.

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depends on how you look at it. if you look at how its writeen its caus egw changed their mind like they did withthe smurfs making all their first co white helmed, though they did that a fair while back. slowly they have introduced gold helms to us, through hounour guard and then to the vets. maby they will become gold, but i dont see the need. unlike other marines you know a termys speciality quite easily by looking at them. they are bigger etc.

Whydo we have differently coloured helms? well it was explained to me it was so that sanguinius could simply look over his men and know what forces he had immediately at his disposal. even if in parade formation so you can only see heads. which makes sense in a way whn you are already used to supersized overpowerd men armoured in esientialy a mobile tank with personal grenade launchers and wiith built in life support and wearing bright red armour... though by that he would look at the first co and possibly not know in what way powerarmoured specialists were armed as both stern and sanguard would look similar(if jump packs wernt enough to give it away for assault marines then how would it be any better for vanguard....?) not that im questioning the teachings of sanguinius, just how the stupid codex is forcing more changes on us that arnt nessiary... ;)

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