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New BRB FAQ and Blood Lance..


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FAQ/Errata overrules the original publication. But an FAQ to the Rulebook does not override the Codex.

Further, per GW, FAQs don't "overrule" anything. Errata makes a change to the text of a publication, but FAQs are GWs "house rules" and by their own statement may be accepted or discarded as agreed by the players.

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Funny how most people follow the FAQs closely. I notice people tend to diss them when they don't say what they want. ;)


G :HQ:

I have no trouble following the FAQ. Heck, its an advantage to me if Jaws and Murderous Hurricane have to roll to hit as I don't use Blood Lance so that doesn't hurt me.


I just don't think the FAQ is really saying what people are intrepeting it to be saying.


PSAs need to roll to hit. True, but like all rules there are exceptions (templates, blasts, etc.)

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I would say its a template style weapon so no roll to hit plus it states any thing in the way is hit. So there is no need to hit something that already hit. This FAQ clarification was for Living lightning a lot people were not rolling to hit now know they have to.


on Page 50, Psykers


"The psychic powers available to our models are not discussed further here, but are described in detail in the Codexes, where you will find complete rules for individual powers. The following general rules explain how psychic are employed. EXCEPTIONS to these rules are covered in the Codexes."



I would say that the fact the codex states it hits makes it exception to this rule.



This right here gives us the answer to the Faq>Codex statement. It is, but it says that exception listed in the codex are covered in the codexes. That means that if the codex says, "all units in line of site suffer 1 hit" that means that they all suffer a hit without needing a role (like the blood lance, or a template weapon). However, things like Smite that says "Assault 4" need to role to hit like a weapon. Hence the "Assault X"


Blood lance does not have an Assault or things like that.

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The FAQ is a clarification of the BRB, not a codex clarification.


Look at it like this:


Codex Erratas>Codex>BRB errata>BRB.



The fundamental point some people are missing is what the FAQ/errata actually references. The clarification pertains SPECIFICALLY to the BRB. However, in the BRB it clearly states that codex trumps BRB. Ergo anything done to the BRB in clarifying/changing rules are relegated specifically to the the BRB, not the codexes.


$.02 for the cent god!

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FAQ/Errata overrules the original publication. But an FAQ to the Rulebook does not override the Codex.

i like that that line of thinking. :)


Apologies if you already know this, I'm trying to avoid the "teach grandma how to suck eggs..." but some peeps may not be aware of the difference between Errata and FAQ in GW world.....



For all straight from GW site:


What's the difference between Errata and FAQs?

As it is rather obvious from their name, these documents include two separate elements - the Errata and the FAQs. In case you were wondering, 'Errata' is a posh (Latin!) way to say 'Errors', and 'FAQs' stands for 'Frequently Asked Questions'. It is important to understand the distinction between the two, because they are very different.

The Errata are simply a list of the corrections we plan to make on the next reprint of the book to fix the mistakes that managed to slip into the text (no matter how many times you check a book, there are always some!). These are obviously errors, for example a model that has WS3 in the book's bestiary and WS4 in the book's army list. The Errata would say something like: 'Page 96. Replace WS3 with WS4 in the profile of the so-and-so model'.

The Errata have the same level of 'authority' as the main rules, as they effectively modify the published material. They are 'hard' material. It is a good idea to read them and be aware of their existence, but luckily there are very few of them for each book.

The FAQs on the other hand are very much 'soft' material. They deal with more of a grey area, where often there is no right and wrong answer - in a way, they are our own 'Studio House Rules'. They are, of course, useful when you play a pick-up game against someone you don't know, or at tournaments (i.e. when you don't have a set of common 'house rules' with the other player). However, if you disagree with some answers and prefer to change them in your games and make your own house rules with your friends, that's fine. In fact we encourage you to shape the game around your needs and your taste. We firmly believe that wargaming is about two (or more!) people creating a gaming experience they are both going to enjoy. In other words, you might prefer to skip the FAQs altogether and instead always apply the good old 'roll a dice' rule whenever you meet a problematic situation.



Therefore FAQ's are not 'law' they are up to you to decide if you wish to follow or not. However, tournaments tend to follow FAQ's as though they are errata for fairness to all players......Also Codices will always override the rulebook from what GW have said in the past....


Here, we tend to play FAQ's on good discussion and supporting evidence or a D6 roll and get on playing the game. Errata we take down as rules, therefore we follow them.


I would like GW to be bold on some of their decisions around codices particularly with unique rules, equipment and status when they upload FAQ's....


I guess it's up to us as individuals to choose whether we follow a FAQ or not, unless your in a tournament......

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