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World eaters army viable?

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Hello boys and girls,


Is a world eaters army still viable and what are good units to buy. I maybe can buy form someone and chaos army with a termie lord, a forgeworld terminator lord Zhufor, 8 termies in sprue, 30 chaos marines in sprue and and 3x world eaters converion sets, some rhinos and a landraider.


If the army is not good anyway I don't buy this, but want to know if these units are any good and if I must buy a lot to make this army work. So need advice and tactics.

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World Eaters are good at what they do, Close Combat.


Their specialist troops, so of course if your good in CC you suck at firing power.


But its not something that bothersome, you will move to be in CC range anyway,where you are save from incoming fire.


But you can still fill up a more Black Legion FoC, where you have 2 Zerkers squads,WE Lord/Prince and 2 or 3 CSM Squads with the usual options.


Add in (be it WE or BL FoC) some Defilers and Termis, a Land Raider,and you will have a very capable force.


You will struggle against heavly ranged and superior fire powers army's in the first turns,where you need to be in covers/move as fast as possible.


But once you hit the defense line...,it's just gold!


The common tactic i use is the Refused Flank, and while my Rhinos moves flat out and pop out smoke, my Defilers fire a barrage of firing flying pies on the primary targets, wich are mostly, any Heavy Support choices,Transports or Elites.


If you play in a scenario where Objectifs are important you might think of firing on the opponents troops choices,and annihilate is winning chances.


Always ames your Zerkers squads charge a ennemy unit by 2 in cases of 15+ models squads or elite choices squads,there is no such thing as Overkill when your a WE!


Some other units you migth consider adding:


Havocs with IoK+Flamers or Meltas=Teeth's of Khorne,you give them a Rhino and make them follow your Zerkers squads, wth flamers they will help wipe up some models in Orks,IG or Eldars and DE and lets not forget Nids units,before your Zerkers charge's in.


With the IoK + their pistols and CCw's they have much as a destructive potential as your zerkers, the only thing they lack is the FC and WS5 of course,but they can be of great help against Horde type units!


WE Techmarines=Obliterators,model them as Terminator Techy's with servo arms with weapons,their a good addition to your fire power,are easy to hide and manoeuvre and very versatile.


Chosens, while by one unit their infiltration rule makes them lonely and sure to be scorned to death,taken by 2 they are dreadfull.


Take 2X5 with Meltas and PF,make the 2 squads infiltrate or Flank marching,pop out the heavy machinery from your foe and charge in you ennemy's deployment zone objectif(if there is any of course)

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Refused Flanl refered to the way you deploy your army against a greater in Numbers army;


You deploy your army only in one of the corners of your deployment zone.


This will make some of your opponent weapons out of range or LoS will be blocked, and you concentrate all of your wrath on one part of the army,before taking foot in his deployment zone and take out slowly but surely out is units one by one.


He will be forced in most cases to redeploy his army before doing any significant damage to you.


But be aware that this tactic,does not always functions against certain types of army's,Deamons army's for instance with their Deamonic Assault rules, or other heavly DP's oriented army's,or very fast moving army's like Eldars and DE.

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Questions: under what circumstances do you class an army as "viable", and what's your definition for a "World Eaters" army?


If you're after a pure WE army (only units with the Mark of Khorne can be taken, plus vehicles, of course), then you will struggle against some armies. Most of the time you will be able to hold your own if you know what you're doing, but if you're facing an equally-skilled opponent who is using a better list (Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Imperial Guard, etc) then you'll be fighting an uphill battle at best, or an unwinnable one at worst. In "hardcore" tournaments ('Ard Boyz and the like), I wouldn't bother.


A "mixed" WE army (one with predominantly Khorne units but with a few Undivided or unmarked units) will have far more flexibility and you might stand a better chance.


As for what works and what doesn't, this is all in my experience but it doesn't necessarily apply to everyone's play style.


The good:

  • Khârn is great. Easily one of the best special characters in the codex. Some people insist on using some method or other to reduce the impact of his Betrayer rule, but I don't bother; putting him in a cheap squad (CSM, Daemons) dilutes his impact, while putting him in a unit with an invul save (Possessed, Terminators) makes his attacks do far more (points) damage to yourself while not really giving you much better odds to save it. Throw him at the enemy with some Berzerkers and you'll find that there are few targets out there that can withstand them.
  • Daemon Princes are good, but work best in pairs. They're cheap and nasty, and are great distractions for your rhinos, but don't get too worried about whether they live or die.
  • Terminators are good, but seem to be best used as suicidal anti-something units. Figure out what your army is lacking the most and tailor your termies to plug that gap. For me, it tends to be anti-tank, so I often take a 4-man Terminator squad with 3 combi-meltas, a chainfist, and a heavy flamer for flexibility. They impress me in about three out of every four games.
  • Chosen. Despite this being a WE army, a small Chosen squad with 5 special weapons always works wonders for me (5x meltas, 5x plasmas, or 3x either of those plus 2x flamers). Throw them in a Rhino and they become an invaluable outflanking unit.
  • Berzerkers, obviously. I prefer power fists on the champions, since that gives the unit greater flexibility and prevents any wound allocation shenanigans.
  • Mighty Morphin' Obliterators. No need for an explanation.


The bad:

  • Chaos Lords are nearly useless except for cool fluff. All they do is make a single squad a little better in combat, and since they hit at I5 their attacks can be diluted with cunning wound allocation shenanigans when your Berzerkers charge as well. The best use I've seen for them is to give them Wings (allows them to move as jump infantry but they can still ride in transports) and use some interesting movement tricks when assaulting an enemy unit, but more often than not you're better off with another HQ unit. And if you do take one, only take the Bloodfeeder if you're a true masochist.
  • Possessed are pretty much useless. They perform exactly the same role as Berzerkers, but unless you miraculously roll well on the possession table they do the job far less efficiently than Berzerkers. And they don't score.
  • Dreadnoughts. Fluffy as all heck for WE armies, but almost as useless as flyscreens on submarines. They can be good (mobile twin autocannons are fun anti-transports, and it's one of the only multimelta platforms we have), but have this annoying tendency to rage at the worst possible time.


The indifferent:

  • Chaos Marines. I've tried them as "lite berzerkers" before with little success, as they simply lack the hitting power to be used like this. My best success with them so far has been as small meltagun squads in combi-melta rhinos, to shield my Berzerkers and pop transports so the better assault units could munch on their chewy contents. They don't seem to be good for much else.
  • Summoned Daemons. Greater Daemons are too unpredictable and slow to rely on, and Lesser Daemons are simply too weak. Even when ganging up on enemies, they don't have enough damage output to be used in this way. They seem to work best as cheap objective grabbers (go to ground while in cover for some nice 3+ cover saves) while everyone else does the important stuff (killing).
  • Raptors and Bikes. They fulfil almost exactly the same role, and are only in the "indifferent" list because I've had some luck with them in smaller squad sizes as dedicated anti-tank suicide squads. They both become prohibitively expensive at larger squad sizes to make them much good at anything else.
  • Predators. Pricier than their loyalist counterparts, but can still provide useful ranged anti-transport capabilities. Don't waste your points on taking all-lascannon Preds, though - you'd be better off spending a little more on obliterators.
  • Defilers. They have been good for me in the past, but they're such a large target with such a pathetic armour value that they often become a liability.
  • Vindicators. I have no experience with these guys, but I can see the appeal.


Hope that helps.

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Yeah how good they are is how you play them and what you think is in a cult army....but as noted above you will get torn apart by a player of certain 'dexs if they are equal to your skill...unless you are damn lucky!
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  • 2 weeks later...

a good tip if you have the points spare is to use the elite slot terminators, to purchase the heavy slot land raiders as dedicated transport (which removes them from the heavy slots and into the imaginary transport slots, or at least i think thats how it works, check with the TO's for any houserules on the subject)


which means you can get some suicide termies in squads of 3, and some landraiders, and still have space for oblits/defilers/preds/vindi's/havocs


and with all these GK army's you will stand a better chance with some armour 14 in the army to actually get Khârn and his khorneflakes into charge range.


that khorne's teeth loadout with havoc's sounds pretty sweet, 10 marines, 4 melta 1 combi melta+PF add in mark of khorne and thats a lot of hurt in one round of shooting and assault, Oh and you cant capture anything with it :P

a standard chaos unit with similar upgrades (2 meltas instead of 4) has the bonus of capturing objectives, but lacks that spare melta power when you really need it.




and the one hang point of CC army's is that when they get into combat, they murder everything, and then! are left out in the open. So be very very careful with those charges, make sure the opponent has nothing to shoot nearby

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a good tip if you have the points spare is to use the elite slot terminators, to purchase the heavy slot land raiders as dedicated transport (which removes them from the heavy slots and into the imaginary transport slots, or at least i think thats how it works, check with the TO's for any houserules on the subject)

Yep, that's how it works. The only restriction is that no other unit can deploy or come in from reserves inside the transport (rulebook, p67 & p94), but you're free to embark during your first turn. I can't think of a reason why a TO would rule otherwise, but you never know...


I do think that it's worth using the HS slot for a Land Raider rather than as a dedicated transport, though. Being able to start inside the transport would be far better when going second, or when playing Dawn of War.

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mmm i agree it is a bit of an irritant in letting your troops and their vehicles sit still for a turn as they mess about with door handles (no! put that chain axe down!!)


But you could always spend some points on rhinos anyway as dedicated and have them sit behind/near to the LR (so a quick switcharoo becomes possible in the unlikely event of a .... too many scenarios to mention!) if you desperatly need that extra 6 inches of movement (12 with road)


(move 6 inches and embark, or move 12 inches embarked in dedicated then swap over next turn and use rhino as interference)


anyway the only let down of the codex is price, and too many goodies in the heavy support slot, but thats 4th edition for ya wewt wewt!





i feel ive derailed the thread into tactics a bit too much, he is asking for a khorne flavoured army with the models he can get, and the answer is of course, yes it is viable'ish in the same way that poor dice rolls and bad tactics are viable'ish it all comes down to wether you like the models and that style of play

(and he will need to buy some more bezerker parts e.g. axes and running legs! as the regular marine bits will make for very static beserkers)

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I started collecting World Eaters purely for the fun factor of mindless rushing forward looking to get stuck in close combat with everything and anything in front of me. I was sick of the delicate ballet of tactics required for my Ultramarines and wanted a change. So I went with 3 landraiders packed with berzerkers and Khârn. It was awesome fun and had the right feel for a World Eaters force.
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  • 3 months later...

Sorry for the necro post guys, but I'm going to attempt to use a World Eaters army, 1100pt, with no mechanization, against either Space Wolves (unlikely-he's re-doing them), Eldar (footdar, no walkers/Special Characters, just Avatar and 1 wraithlord with the missile launcher and a sword, guardian guys, Dire Avenger guys with the bladestorm, some of the smaller Wraith..troop dudes my Tau chum up, Scorpians maybe, Banshees and Fire Dragons...unless he's put together his Dark Reapers), or possibly Tyranids (gaunts, 1 warrior squad, probably a tyranid prime, no other distinguishable monstrous critters).


I'm not completly sure what he's going to run, but I'm fairly confident he'll run the Eldar, my Tau have bent them over the barrel more than a couple of times, so I'm sure he's looking for some payback...going to attempt to run this list, and I am using what I have at my disposal...but I am going to proxy a...distasteful unit, and use my Chaos Sorceror (to Khorne anyways).


HQ: Khârn the Betrayer


HQ: Sorcerer, Mark of Slaanesh, Lash


troops: Khorne Beserkers x 8 (champ Powerfist) *Khârn goes here*


Troops: Khorne Beserkers x 8 (Champ powerfist)


Troops: Proxied Noise Marines (they have tricked out bolters and are from my Alpha Legion army-as is the Sorcerer) x5, sonic blasters *sorcerer goes here*


Heavy: Havocs x5 (3x Autocannons) IoCG


Heavy: Havocs x5 (2x Missile launchers) IoCG


totals out to 1101 pts.


I hate using anything with a Mark of Slaanesh in my World Eaters (they are designed to be Mark of Khorne or Undivided/Glory), but a lot of the support for this army isn't built or bought yet (rhinos, landraider, etc)

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