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unit ending combat while it is still going


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Lets say we have multiple combat going on, 3v3 units. Lets say that one of those units is a demon. Demon strikes first, kills something, rest of the squads are fighting, dealing blows according to their initiative. Wounds are allocated and at the end of the combat it turns out that the deamon is not in base to base contact with any enemy model (becouse of wound allocation), but the rest of the squads are still fighting. So now I can imagine 2 scenarios:


1. Demon is moved into base to base contact to continue combat in next assault phase, or

2. Demon gets his consolidaton move and may move / be targeted in next player turn.


So, what happens?

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Assuming this was all one combat, the demon has to move 6 inches to get into base. If he can not reach base, then he can use a consolidate to move away.
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as above 6" into base to base. do note if he gas engaged with only one enemy unit in the 3x3 and it is fully destroyed he still has to move in. BRB p41 I read the if you can't reach base part differently, but that only count if the 2 units before pile in moves were 12" away from each other or 6" if one has all models locked with another unit.
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as above 6" into base to base. do note if he gas engaged with only one enemy unit in the 3x3 and it is fully destroyed he still has to move in. BRB p41 I read the if you can't reach base part differently, but that only count if the 2 units before pile in moves were 12" away from each other or 6" if one has all models locked with another unit.


You're not reading it differently. I was just assuming (probably incorrectly) that only the demon was free to do a pile in.

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Assuming this was all one combat, the demon has to move 6 inches to get into base. If he can not reach base, then he can use a consolidate to move away.

^ This. Once in the combat, your models will want to stay in it to the bitter end if they can. If they can reach, they very much want to.

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Mostly because running away is the quickest way to die ;).


That being said, its a very rare thing for a unit to be unable to consolidate back into combat. Ive seen it happen a couple time with large IG blobs or 21 strong gaurdian squads- that were spread out over 3' of table space. Otherwise, and in most armies, it just doesnt happen.

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Mostly because running away is the quickest way to die :(.


That being said, its a very rare thing for a unit to be unable to consolidate back into combat. Ive seen it happen a couple time with large IG blobs or 21 strong gaurdian squads- that were spread out over 3' of table space. Otherwise, and in most armies, it just doesnt happen.

Hang on- after a combat a unit can then consolidate into another combat if within reach? Thought though were old rules. Can they consolidate into a unit not in combat? Again, old rules I thought. :)

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Mostly because running away is the quickest way to die ;).


That being said, its a very rare thing for a unit to be unable to consolidate back into combat. Ive seen it happen a couple time with large IG blobs or 21 strong gaurdian squads- that were spread out over 3' of table space. Otherwise, and in most armies, it just doesnt happen.

Hang on- after a combat a unit can then consolidate into another combat if within reach? Thought though were old rules. Can they consolidate into a unit not in combat? Again, old rules I thought. ;)


he ment pile in, not consolodate

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Yep, my apologies on the terminology mix up. They were attempting to remain in combat by piling in, but had been cleared out more than six inches away- long spindly IG squad that had been used to try and deny deployment areas in a DOW scenario.
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Mostly because running away is the quickest way to die :).


That being said, its a very rare thing for a unit to be unable to consolidate back into combat. Ive seen it happen a couple time with large IG blobs or 21 strong gaurdian squads- that were spread out over 3' of table space. Otherwise, and in most armies, it just doesnt happen.

Hang on- after a combat a unit can then consolidate into another combat if within reach? Thought though were old rules. Can they consolidate into a unit not in combat? Again, old rules I thought. :devil:


he ment pile in, not consolodate



Yep, my apologies on the terminology mix up. They were attempting to remain in combat by piling in, but had been cleared out more than six inches away- long spindly IG squad that had been used to try and deny deployment areas in a DOW scenario.

I see. Heh heh. I should of guessed it was something like that.

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