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Quick Question... hopefully in the right spot!


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Very quick question...


I have been wondering along with a few fellow Marine Codex users at our hobbie shop about Assault Marines and what it means to count as Infrantry when removing the jump packs...


Does that mean they are now scoring units and are considered a troop choice?

Or they are no longer fast and just plain troops with a free transport and don't count as troop choices


Any thoughts, would it be illegal to use two 5 man assault squads without jump packs with rhinoes as the two troop choices needed in a list?

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Very quick question...


I have been wondering along with a few fellow Marine Codex users at our hobbie shop about Assault Marines and what it means to count as Infrantry when removing the jump packs...


Does that mean they are now scoring units and are considered a troop choice?

Or they are no longer fast and just plain troops with a free transport and don't count as troop choices


Any thoughts, would it be illegal to use two 5 man assault squads without jump packs with rhinoes as the two troop choices needed in a list?


being infantry and being troops are entirely seperate issues..

only units taken as troops are troops and can score.. assault troops sans packs are merely no longer jump infantry.. the only difference beteen JI and regular infantry is movement rules

in C:SM (the ultramarines dex) jump infantry/assault troops cannot be taken as troops

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