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librarian powers and restrictions


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so my local gaming group have been discussing the new FAQ, and a question can up that i felt like addressing to everyone here;


for starters, we'll say we're talking about a librarian who can cast 2 or 3 powers per turn. epistolaries and chief libbies, etc.


now, we know that if you wish to use a psychic shooting attack, you cant fire your range weapons, because you forgoe the pistol/bolter/what have you, to make the psychic shooting attack.


and, we know you cant cast the same power twice in one turn. so no smite + smite.


but here's the question; what if, your 2 psychic powers are shooting ones? or, 2 assault phase powers? or, 2 movement phase powers?


can you cast smite and then cast avenger? or alternately, Null Zone and then Avenger?

can you cast force dome and then gate of infinity(both are move phase powers)?

in the case of grey knight powers, can you cast Hammerhand and then cast Might of Titan in the same assault phase?

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The restrictions given to us by the FAQ are

1. Can't do 2 shooting powers (exception given in the Chaos FAQ for Demon Princes of Tzeentch)

2. Can't use the same power twice.


Baring that, any combination of powers should be acceptable.

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So, in direct answer to your question (using JamesI as a premise here):


No, you cannot use Avenger and Smite in the same turn; if you take two shooting powers, it's for variety/adaptability. Much like bringing a combi-weapon to a fight, you can only use the combi-option or the boltgun in a given turn, not both.


Certainly you can use Null Zone (not a shooting power) and Avenger (a shooting power) in the same turn.


Hammerhand and MotT can both be cast by the same librarian, provided he has purchased MotT.

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but here's the question; what if, your 2 psychic powers are shooting ones?

The rules for Psychic powers on page 50 of the BRB account for this. Models may only fire one ranged weapon per turn, and the same goes for Psychic powers that count as firing a ranged weapon. Even if a Psyker can use multiple psychic powers, he can still only use one ranged weapon power, unless he also has rules that allow him to fire more than one weapon.



or, 2 assault phase powers? or, 2 movement phase powers?

This is probbaly possible, unless the specific effects of the power are not compatible. E.g. if one "movement" power allowed the Librarian to move like jump infantry, and the other "movement" power allowed him to move as a bike, he could not move 12" + another 12", as it was his basic movement that was improved by each spell, and not a blanked move distance of 12" per spell.



can you cast smite and then cast avenger?

No, unless the psyker was allowed to use more than one ranged weapon per turn.



or alternately, Null Zone and then Avenger?

Yes. Avenger is a ranged weapon, Null Zone is merely used in the shooting phase.



can you cast force dome and then gate of infinity(both are move phase powers)?

I'd say yes.



in the case of grey knight powers, can you cast Hammerhand and then cast Might of Titan in the same assault phase?

I'd say yes, and the Codex Grey Knights even states that their bonuses are cummulative. Though that might have been refering to one unit receiving the spell from two different casters.

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in the case of the cummulative bit, that's refering to the +1 str might of titan gives; it states the +1 str from it can stack with the +1 str of Hammerhand.


part of our conversation consisted of the idea one brought up that you could take 2 libbies, and a paladin squad, and then combine them together to get 3 hammerhand and 2 might of titan casts each turn to gain +5 str.

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in the case of the cummulative bit, that's refering to the +1 str might of titan gives; it states the +1 str from it can stack with the +1 str of Hammerhand.

Maybe that's RaI, but it's not RaW. If a unit gets multiple instances of Hammerhand cast on it, the FAQ states that the bonus stacks...clear as mud. :):/

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I dont see how its confusing.


Except that its an entirely new precident of course. Previously stacking powers.... didnt. Example: The initiative and WS boosts from the Eldar power 'enhance' didnt stack.


As for the Psychic shooting attacks- unless otherwise specified a model can only use one shooting attack per turn. That hasnt changed at all from this FAQ.

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in the case of the cummulative bit, that's refering to the +1 str might of titan gives; it states the +1 str from it can stack with the +1 str of Hammerhand.

Maybe that's RaI, but it's not RaW. If a unit gets multiple instances of Hammerhand cast on it, the FAQ states that the bonus stacks...clear as mud. ;):/


i mean the +1 str of might of titan is whats stacking because might of titan does two things; it adds +1 str, and allows another D6 for armor penetration. but its the str bonus that stacks only, not the additional D6; otherwise you would be able to abuse that stacking power and allow 3D6 Armor pen.

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in the case of the cummulative bit, that's refering to the +1 str might of titan gives; it states the +1 str from it can stack with the +1 str of Hammerhand.

Maybe that's RaI, but it's not RaW. If a unit gets multiple instances of Hammerhand cast on it, the FAQ states that the bonus stacks...clear as mud. :evil::/


i mean the +1 str of might of titan is whats stacking because might of titan does two things; it adds +1 str, and allows another D6 for armor penetration. but its the str bonus that stacks only, not the additional D6; otherwise you would be able to abuse that stacking power and allow 3D6 Armor pen.


actually according to the new 1.3 BRB FAQ you would get 3D6 AP in the scenario the wording in the FAQ says it has to specifically say it does not stack to negate stacking which Might of Titan does not.

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  • 1 month later...
Can you use Gate of Infinity while locked in close combat?


i would say no, because it's a movement phase power that allows you to make a move. and if your locked in combat, you cant move ore shoot, and that squad only gets to do an assault that phase.

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