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2 DA Ravenwing points questions.


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Hail Brothers,


As part of my DA army I have a small Ravenwing consisting of 1x Attack Bike and 2x Bikes. Firstly is this a legal squad? Secondly does the Attack bike cost me the extra 50 points the codex states?


As I have the codex infront of me I'll quote a small part of it that made me wonder.


"Unit Composition:

1 Ravenwing Sergeant

2 Ravenwing Bikers


Unit Type:

Bikes and Attack Bikes are Bikes."


I guess I'm just tryin to cut the points costs but those 50 points make all the difference.



Many Thanks Brothers

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As part of my DA army I have a small Ravenwing consisting of 1x Attack Bike and 2x Bikes. Firstly is this a legal squad?




Secondly does the Attack bike cost me the extra 50 points the codex states?




As I have the codex infront of me I'll quote a small part of it that made me wonder.


"Unit Composition:

1 Ravenwing Sergeant

2 Ravenwing Bikers


Unit Type:

Bikes and Attack Bikes are Bikes."

That entry specifies what kinds of models the unit can consists of. It lists the stats for "Ravenwing Sergeant", "Ravenwing Bikers" and "Attack Bike".


By default the unit consists of one "Ravenwing Sergeant" and two "Ravenwing Bikers". The "Attack Bike" is neither of those, so you first need to have on eSergeant and two Marines on bikes for a legal unit. You can then add three additional Ravenwing Bikers and one Attack Bike if you wish.


The "Unit type" specifies what basic rules the models will follow. E.g. the models in a Tactical Squad are "Infantry" while the models in an Assault squad are "Jump Infantry". The rules for the different unit types are described on the pages 51 to 55 of the Rulebook.


Bikes and Attack Bikes use the rules for "bikes", which are on page 53 of the rulebook. Models of the "bike" type can move 12", or use the turbo boost special rule to move up to 24". They gain +1 Toughness, and they can fire rapid fire weapons and heavy weapons to full effect after moving, thanks to the "Relentless" special rule. etc.

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the Raven wing battle force is a good investment if you plan on going RW... I suggest also taking a RW support Sq of 1 LS typhoon 75pts 2 missile shoots and a multimelta or heavybolter.


The battle force also gives you the full legal RW attack sq

basic= 1sergent with 2 other bikers

add 1 attack bike and/or +3 bikers

and if the +3 bikers are in there you can also get a LS Tornado(assultcannon) note having the LS in the RW attack sq stops you from outflanking.

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Hail Brothers,


As part of my DA army I have a small Ravenwing consisting of 1x Attack Bike and 2x Bikes. Firstly is this a legal squad? Secondly does the Attack bike cost me the extra 50 points the codex states?


As I have the codex infront of me I'll quote a small part of it that made me wonder.


"Unit Composition:

1 Ravenwing Sergeant

2 Ravenwing Bikers


Unit Type:

Bikes and Attack Bikes are Bikes."


I guess I'm just tryin to cut the points costs but those 50 points make all the difference.



Many Thanks Brothers



Am I right in thinking that by adding 1 bike will make this squad legal??


you would need to add a RW Sergent yes


it would cost you 120base and 50 pts for the attack bike + any upgrades that you desire. note the attack bike in-game will always count as a separate unit of itself.

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I'm a bit confused by the wording... but just in case.


Dark Angels take bikes either in groups of 3 or 6 (the later being a +3 bikes upgrade of the first).


Any size of bike squads can adittionally buy an attack bike.

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