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Baal invasion


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It might be a differant battle?

A different battle with Ka'Bundha also in year 911 M41? Doubtful.


-GK Codex: In 991, joint stike force of GK and BA go after Ka'Bundha. Afterwards the BA who participated had thier mind wiped.

But there it is, clear as day, listed under events "that the Blood Angels themselves consider worthy of special celebration or commemoration."

-BA Codex: In 991, the leader of the SG convinced Dante to allow the SG to help the GK go after Ka'Bundha.


Maybe Dante fooled the GKs and the minds weren't really wiped? Maybe more BA participated in the battle, and everyone but the SG had their minds wiped? But it is clear that the BA chapter recognizes that the SG participated in the battle.


Edit: I guess it is possible that the SG remember that they participated in the battle, but don't remember the battle, but the BA Codex's description of "storming the gates," and "a night of glorious battle" doesn't really read that way.

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Sadly, if you read the GK codex, Dante agrees to have his and about a company's worth minds wiped after fighting alongside the Knights.


Stupid deamons...

Or maybe not.


A strike force of Sang Guard accompanied the GK's to the battle. So thats definately NOT Dante and a company of marines, since neither are Sang Guard.


There are many ways that they might know roughly what happened. Perhaps the GK's gave an edited highlights report to Dante? Perhaps the mindwipe was only certain specific parts of the battle (any chaotic rituals or whatnot - not necessarily the whole thing).


My personal opinion? Dante agreed to the mindwiping because that woudl have been the only way that the Blood Angels would have been able to have a hand in the defeating of the deamon, without his marines beign killed afterwards. And the Blood Angels really like messing with Ka'Banda... Its the knowledge that they were (in part) responsible for the win, even if they will never know the precise details.

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Maybe Dante fooled the GKs and the minds weren't really wiped? Maybe more BA participated in the battle, and everyone but the SG had their minds wiped? But it is clear that the BA chapter recognizes that the SG participated in the battle.


Dante: "Now remember everyone, Draigo thinks we've forgotten all about the daemons so whatever you do, don't mention it."

Corbulo: "Why's that?"

Dante: "It's very simple, the Grey Knights think they can wipe our minds and make us forget all about the horrors of the Warp. If they realised the truth, they'd just chop us all up with their force halberds after the battle, so all the other chapters simply play along with it, same way we never mention that skank Calgar took home that time he got bladdered after the battle of Cadia..."

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Dante: "Now remember everyone, Draigo thinks we've forgotten all about the daemons so whatever you do, don't mention it."

Corbulo: "Why's that?"

Dante: "It's very simple, the Grey Knights think they can wipe our minds and make us forget all about the horrors of the Warp. If they realised the truth, they'd just chop us all up with their force halberds after the battle, so all the other chapters simply play along with it, same way we never mention that skank Calgar took home that time he got bladdered after the battle of Cadia..."



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Sadly, if you read the GK codex, Dante agrees to have his and about a company's worth minds wiped after fighting alongside the Knights.


Stupid deamons...


Oh, well he Agreed to it though. That means that maybe if he doesn't agree to it they wont do it after the battle for Baal?




It's because of that Primordial Wardoretconer rewrote Dante's and a whole company thread of fate into being Mindwiped.


Hell (or Chaos). Fighting friggin 10 milllenia of war with every kind of enemies especially Chaos, you think every marine are mindwiped? Then Dante should've been wiped at least 10x already.

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Leo (so much easier) is right. Dante did not go to that battle. Neither did a company. IDC what your GK codex says, if it happened, it is a differant battle.


And please stop the Ward hate, we can discuss what you think about the fluff without being children and bashing on him. Thats childish and immature. Grow up.

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