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Thousand Sons warcoven


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So I was randomly flipping through some white dwarfs today and found something neat in issue 339. In the Liber Apoc they have the Thousand Sons Warcoven datasheet. It's Ahriman or sorcerer, a unit of chosen that is all aspiring sorcerers and 0-3 units of terminators.


The very first rule is that "All models in the warcoven are considered to have the Mark of Tzeentch for free."


Everyone gets inferno bolts, terminators are fearless, slow and purposeful and have one aspiring sorcerer to lead them.


Now they can sacrifice the chosen to do a str 8 ap 1 apoc barrage, and that's cool, but I'm impressed by this. What do you all think? This gives us rubric terminators, a full squad of sorcerers, and let's not forget every model has the mark of tzeentch for free.


At the very least I can see this all being fun to use. Thoughts?

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agree'd with Phosis. i've used this aswell, it is nice verses baneblades, not so much verse anything with a high rate of fire and a "who cares" ap. NOW, that said, if you use this in conjunction with another data sheet for "silver towers of Tzeentch" you gain a rather nasty apocalypse force that should just be published as a stand alone codex for us....
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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm playing in a campaign right now that will feature Planet Strike matches at some point, and i was thinking i might ask my friends if they will let me use some of the units from this data sheet in that format (If i forgo the super heavy stuff which is odvuiously apocalypse only. I modeled my termies as rubrics because in the last codex thats what they were. so if i can field them again like that it'd be nice.
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