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"Today Lucius killed..."


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All the other chaos forums have their version so why can't this one?


Although I'm not pure slaneesh B) I'd quite like to see the effects of this character (especially his armour of shrieking souls).

He seems quite good value for points.


What do people have?

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I've used Lucius once while play-testing my brother's army. Fielded with a slaneesh-terminator squad in a land raider (opponent said he'd never seen one of those before :-D high initiative is important for lightning claws no?) the flamer was amazing, killed 2 grey hunters, then Lucius killed a wolf lord on a bike and knocked out some swiftclaws with the help of his mates. I was impressed. I think he then went on to assault another squad, but dont remember. There was a kill in there from his funny armour save. I like the guy. Full stop.
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