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The blood god in your real life


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Okay I was watching the news and it turns out that in Australia there will be an eclipse that will turn red because of the volcanic Ash and will last an hour, It will happen at 4.22am and all I could think was....Blood for the blood god!!! I must watch this (as the news put it) Blood Red moon!...maybe im a little sad but meh :P. So i was wondering do others do this in life? I think there could be a few funny storys here.


Heres one I think was funny, A few months back I was living in a dodgey area and we had a friend of mines ex bf start a heap of problems around my house (i was shareing a house with her at the time) and he tried to force his way into my home....As soon as I heard the noise i was with another house mate (He plays khorne Chaos Daemons), as we walked out to confront him I yelled "Blood for the blood god!" which was followed by my mate yelling "Skulls for the skull throne!!!" while at the time listening to Debauchery (a Death metal bad that sings about Khorne), We had a great laugh about it afterwards.

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Heres one I think was funny, A few months back I was living in a dodgey area and we had a friend of mines ex bf start a heap of problems around my house (i was shareing a house with her at the time) and he tried to force his way into my home....As soon as I heard the noise i was with another house mate (He plays khorne Chaos Daemons), as we walked out to confront him I yelled "Blood for the blood god!" which was followed by my mate yelling "Skulls for the skull throne!!!" while at the time listening to Debauchery (a Death metal bad that sings about Khorne), We had a great laugh about it afterwards.


Thats pretty entertaining. Hopefully nothing serious happened though.


The only thing I can say I do is quote the "BftBG, SftST" in online games (usually the PvP portions) and see who responds.


Gotten a few "For The Emperor" and "Kill Maim Burn" responses which make me smile. :devil:

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Nah nothing bad happened, My mate threated him if he came back around and i just looked all 'mean' and he never bothered us again :P (aparently I have a very angry and mean face XD)


Haha I do that when I play WoW, Most raids I will say it....but so many Emperor lovers out there >.>

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When I was battling my mate over my imperial city I accidentally caught my hand on a spiky bit on the top of a sanctum imperialis - I was just about to roll for my khorne berserkers attacks using some cool dice I've got with skull and cross bones in place of the 1 (usually called my plasma gunner dice for obvious reasons when you roll a one ^_^ ) which is fitting for any servant of khorne!

I had a little drop of blood on my palm and I had to smear it on the dice, obviously to not have done would be criminally insane (or would it be the other way round - is there something wrong with using blood to improve your chances? ^_^ ) my freind questioned my sanity but he was obviously just worried about the favour I'd just earned to help me slaughter his orks, obviously!!! I can't remember how that dice roll went but I know I won the battle, PRAISE BE TO KHORNE ! :HQ:


p.s. I didn't stab my hand intentionally, I'm not mental - but I'm sure it was Khorne's guiding hand 'wot dun it' ;)

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I don't know if it reached you banana benders up north, but in Sydney a year or two ago there was a big dust storm sweeping across the city. It was weird waking up to a blood red sky :D
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Similar to Phebrickid when we were having a modelling/painting day over at a mate's house and I was modifying one of my defilers I somehow managed to slip and slash one of my fingers with my scalpel. Unbidden into my mind came a thought and I rushed to grab my then unpainted Khârn and let my blood fall onto the bare metal Gorechild. Yeah, my friends also thought I was insane and still do :P


I also say Blood for the Blood God (most times under my breath) when I'm either really angry, about to charge out in a blaze of glory on xbox live or about to do something I don't want to or am terrified of the results of, from uni exams to asking those ever elusive female companion potentials out. And yes it is surprising how many times online you will get a warhammer quote back at you.

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You guys are so weird... and I love it!!!


What have I done... lets see...

Well, I was playing one summer with the Good ol' Khornates and my nose suddenly started to fountain blood for some reason (dripped on my hands, the table, my shirt, everything.... though I kept all my minis super clean ;) ) I won that game, but good times!

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Haha I've only been up north for about 2 weeks...Im from Tasmania ;).....but I didn't even hear about that :) would of been cool

Yeah, check out some of the pictures from Google. Massive amount of dust swept in from the outback. I remember waking up mid-morning, it was still pretty dark and everything had a reddish hue :)

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1) While I got hurt at my fencing lessons, I never wipe the blood (if any or if I can see). I am also a bit disapointed if the scar disapear.


2) I always chant BftBg SftSt while I need a good roll. I must point out that it works pretty well. When someone swears over the dicerolls, I just point out his lack of faith.


3) I started to wear more red clothes.


And my brother wished me to: "Add more skulls to the Skull Throne" as a birthday wish... on facebook.

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  • 1 month later...

I've taken to screaming Blood for the Blood God! During xbox live lobbies while I play Gears of War, as it is insanely bloody and Gorey, and Im sure Khorne would be pleased. I also do the chants when I need his favour during battle. And recently, I play this track while I play just about anything. (Including the Space Marine Demo.... Rather have been a berzerker...)




Do love this track.


Blood For The Blood God!!!


I've even started getting a few friends to scream the cry too even though they know little of what it means.

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Depends, mostly on Xbox live. I see snipers with the same ire that Khorne sees Wizards: Their trickery isn't welcome-and I love killing me some snipers.


And campers. I love killing campers. Well if I'm honest, I really like the buck and bang, the flashing lights and to see the impact of bullets on enemies. So long as I feel relatively 'in control' of my guns, and I don't feel there was some cheapness transpiring (someone using a wall-glitch etc, Try-Hard ultra competitve guys in standard/core mode instead of the Ultra Competitve playlist).


The best games are when I'm not thinking at all-I'm just in the moment and engaging enemy after enemy. Call of Duty is easier to play...but in Halo and Gears it can feel so much more personal when you go after someone. I like a close fight more than a massacre.


I still love downing people in gears of war..."Uh-oh, time for a closed casket funeral!" and curbstomp them. Though my favorite execution in gears 2 is with the sniper rifle (preferably on a sniper) and I bellow out "BOOM HEADSHOT!" as I ax-handle it over their heads.


Headhunter in Halo Reach is probably my favorite gametype (though it sucks that most people just sit back and get kills instead of playing the game properly) and the newly announced Kill Confirmed in Cod 2011 sounds very similar.

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Depends, mostly on Xbox live. I see snipers with the same ire that Khorne sees Wizards: Their trickery isn't welcome-and I love killing me some snipers.


It's the same thing when I play Bad Company 2. I purposely hunt down snipers in multiplayer. Preferred method of killing them? With my bloody knife! :)


And when Space Marine finally comes out in 3 days I'll be the once continuously screaming like this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3rOpewysi0...feature=related

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I know how you guys feel with snipers...


This morning I was playing DOW2 against an ultramines player and he kept saying "die heretic", so after getting sick of it I yelled bftbg and went on to destroy all his units with my chaos lord of khorne.


Near the end before I won it actually sounded like his commander was crying inside his power armour...

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For one week each month my girlfriend shouts it every time she goes to the bathroom...


She plays a predominantly Khorne Daemon army by the way.

LMAO Im at work and dang near fell outta my chair reading this.


I once heard the sweet sound of Khorne.. as I rolled all ones on my GW imperial dice I purchased years ago. When I was playing BA I lost 4 outta a 5man terminator squad and yelled out "SftST" and threw my 'unlucky' dice into my game bag to be burned as sacrifices later on. Later that night my captain turn traitor and became a member of the Blood Knights!

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While building some 'zerks I had left some bits on my desk and got up to get something. Upon returning to my desk, I tripped over something and while trying to catch myself I ended up smashing my fist into one of their shoulder pads, covering some bits in blood. But I just left the blood on, and basecoated over... they do exceptionally well in battle. By the way, still have a scar from it. Basically, I survived an attack from a berzerker.
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