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The blood god in your real life


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A while back, my hobby knife slipped whilst cleaning mold-lines and promptly stabbed into the side of my finger, I looked at it, sighed and thought "Well, he cares not from where the blood flows...Only that it does". I think it was my sign that I should do a Khornate army, as I believe I was working on a Termie Sorc at the time. :(


Hmm..I'm also listening to "Blood Machine" by Brocas Helm at the moment...which seems like a rather Khornate song. *laughs*

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  • 3 weeks later...

XE <<< Khorne face. Sideways, as most smileys are.



Oh yeah. Badass.


Was also present in the Sydney dust storms of redness.


Whenever I get a cut, I always lick it:) Sounds weird but it doesn't taste too bad.


Also whenever I play games, always make a Khorne profile, playing fully CC and always trying to decapitate....My fallout new vegas, I had power armour, a fire axe, a ripper, the hand claws, a power fist, and ALWAYS took someone's head off. (thinking of getting a plasma pistol)


In Fallout 3. I collect mutilated skulls and Brahmin skulls to throw into my house:D.

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Whenever I get a cut, I always lick it:) Sounds weird but it doesn't taste too bad.

I usually do, too. Apparently saliva actually reduces the healing time of cuts, so it's actually supposed to be good for you.

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Don't know if it's specifically Blood God related, but about once a month I get up on a stage and scream blasphemous verse into a microphone for about 30-35 minutes.



Not my best show, but fun, nonetheless.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Told my teacher today in class that I make sacrifices to the blood god in hopes of getting good grades on my paper. She laughed her ass of for at least a minute. (Truth is she grades very hard. Out of a class of 30 we had 3 B's, about 9 C's and the rest F's and D's on our first paper! We're down to about 16-18 students atm :) )
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Whenever I get a cut, I always lick it:) Sounds weird but it doesn't taste too bad.

I usually do, too. Apparently saliva actually reduces the healing time of cuts, so it's actually supposed to be good for you.

Side-note, it has been scientifically proven and the cause is a protein called Histatin which enhances cell spreading/migration.


Back on track,

I wonder if Astartes saliva would have the same properties, or better, since it would be coupled with the Larraman's organ.

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I play loyalist marines and one day I was playing a really good game and I charged a squad into my enemies Deathstar squad to slow them down so I could gun them down better. Well when I rolled to wound a yelled out of no where "Blood for the Blood God!" and got a seven wounds. My enemy then rolled seven ones for a five man TH/SS Terminators and Terminator SS Librarian. I have been think of doing a Khornate army ever sense but don't know how to tell my wife.
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I have the mark of khorne on my left wrist (i roll dice left handed) Xbox live profile has a massively heretical quote i wrote while drunk (gamer tag same as name here) and have been known for many a BFTBG and SFTST tirades while shotgunning snipers n campers in Call of Duty. Plus me and a good friend of mine are constantly bickering about how much more chaos kicks the Loyalists ass( i have a massive khorne warband he had massive Imperial fist army) so much so that we were asked kindly to leave our local GW store for fear we may start another galactic civil war!!



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
a few years ago a friend of mine got stuck with a pin sticking out from my basement carpet. at first it seemed fine, it managed to miss the nerves, but when he pulled it out, blood gushed everywhere! a few days later, i was playing against another friend who fielded a unit of beserkers, and accidently sat on the blood stained chair! (yes i know I'm lazy, dont judge) he wouldn't belive me when i told him and next thing i knew, with only his beserkers left, decimated half my army, including all my HQ units. when the game ended, (a victory for me, i managed to complete my objective before he did) i pointed out the blood on the chair, and he laughed, walked about 5 steps and steped on another pin.
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Well, I dropped my x-acto knife after slitting my finger shaving the mold line off of a Draco I managed to snag in an Ebay job-lot. Guess where it landed? On my unprotected foot! GAH! :P :lol:


He indeed does not care whence it flows...

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