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The blood god in your real life


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I've made multiple Khorne refrences in my time.


I row crew for my school and we are a considerably lightweight team. Most of our rowers also fill the role of coxswains (that's sergeant for you Codex Astartes followers) who is the small guy who sits at the back of the boat and yells at everyone to row harder. Well a night before a race the guys I was rooming with were staying up all night to play League of Legends (a really trippy RTS game probably designed by drug addicts). Three of the guys in the room where 40k players, one was not. My friend who plays chaos daemons and i were watching, while my friend who plays csm and my non=player friend were playing on their laptops. Just to troll I yelled out things like "Use a meltagun!" and "You should've given him the Mark of Khorne" etc. Anyways my non-player friend asked WTH i was on about and we all explained it to him. Que a couple of hours of rambling and lexicanum later and our friend was fluff-hooked.




Next day we hit up the regatta site. Muddy, rainy, freezing cold. And then we see that the other teams are made up of what look like Space Marines neophytes-in-training (one team even used the black templars icon as their symbol) and we were slightly perturbed. So right before we go out on the water, I cry BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD. The new disciple of Chaos sitting at the other end of the boat screeches SKULLS FO THE SKULL THRPNE and my daemon-playing coxswain said on the megaphone "You two are tripping balls right now."


We got 2nd! :cuss


Starting to get into this, on our next race the new disciple yelled "TZEENTCH BLESS US" Too that I responded "WE'RE SO F*CKED!"

Coincidentally, right as the race started the boat next to us went out of its lane and tried to mount us. NOT as planned.

So in short, Tzeentch is a douche and Khorne is still a boss! :)

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Since stfarting my WE I've had considerably more 'accidents' than usual....


My FW terminators have been blessed with my blood during the construction, I use a Swan-Morton surgical grade scalpel for all my modelling and accidentally dropped it the other day.


When I looked down, I found it lodged nearly an inch into my thigh.... Nice!


Its a good job the missus wasnt home...



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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
I was cutting apart a horribly put together land raider to try and strip it down, soak it in simple green, and hopefully dissolve some of the inch thick glue it had caked on. In my attempts to use my exacto knife to cut through some of the glue holding it together, it slipped, and cut a 2 inch long, full blade deep laceration into the palm of my hand in the meaty part of my thumb near the center of my hand. There was no avoiding going to the ER, as the blood came out so quickly and ferociously that it ruined my pants, my shirt, and the carpet leading from the office to the bathroom. It was past everyone's bedtime, so I had to yell for my wife to wake up and help me. I had her call a buddy of mine that lived near me to drive me to the ER. I had to hold my bleeding hand above my head the whole way to try and stop it from bleeding so badly. 6 stitches later, and some loss of feeling in my hand that lasted about 2 months, and I'm better than ever. Except now I'm extremely careful with exacto knives.
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Had a fight with a drip tray last week - I lost. :(


The Blood God may not smile upon me, but he does appreciate my bleeding forehead. :lol:

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I had surgery on my ingrown toenail on Friday and it hasn't stopped bleeding since... Probably penitence for missing out on my League battles on Saturday resulting in unfed Berzerkers... Khorne always gets his Blood. He cares not from whence it flows. *winces in pain*


On a side note it got infected, or rather the infection spread from before the surgery. Something tells me Nurgle is looking to make a partnership... *debates succumbing the the plague lord in favor of Feel No Pain*

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Another happening today. I displeased our might Lord of Rage last evening. I made the sore mistake of offering him... Tau Blood. An unworthy offering. (For one, they're weak as all get out in CQC, and their blood is blue...) and I brought my Brass Scorpion to an Apoc game today and had it get blown up with a chain reaction 72" conversion beamer blast followed by an Ironclad Seismic asswhooping... on Turn 1... It went nuclear at 18 inches and killed nothing... *facepalm*


I woke up this morning at 4am, my face covered in blood and dried blood smeared all over my arms and pillow... Nose bleed... I've truly begun to take this to heart. He truly cares not from whence the blood flows... He's taken mine on many occasions... I should be far more careful when displeasing His Rage.

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I should be far more careful when displeasing His Rage.

Of course, He really cares not. Only Grandfather Nurgle and the Lord of Fate care :sweat:


I'm not a servant of Khorne, but on my birthday i and my friends in the midst of the celebration mixed our blood in a special bowl and drunk it. Every of us gave his portion of blood using a special ritual knife so we became blood brothers. Khorne approves though amidst of us there're no khornates :(

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on several occatiuons i have pleased the blood god most notably falling down the stairs carring a fateweaver and stnley knife cut and 1" deep cut 2 stiches and the fateweaver has never been the same. Also my friend who plays khorne demons got sideswiped by a car broke him arm so the bone poked out got some blood on his case hasnt lose a game in 2 years lucky bugger
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a question to you, followers of Khorne :unsure:


If I made a blood ritual (above), rate the honor highly and broke relationship with one of my best friends 'cause he has no honor and is ready to break his blood oath 'cause of his girlfriend... Does it mean the Blood God favours me and i'm slowly moving towards Him? :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Khorne took his rage out on me again today while painting after a ferocious loss against a newbie guardsman player borrowing the store clerks army... Blood dripping out my nose everywhere. I proceeded to plug it with a paper towel and grumble as I return to painting. After several disgruntled chants of Blood for the Blood God I turned my attention back to my newest Skull Champion...
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  • 2 weeks later...

I play chain in the sport Jugger on a regular basis, and my friends and I always scream Blood for the Blood God when we go to take out opponents.

I feel Jugger is Khorne's favorite sport besides war, since the teams fight over a skull.

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  • 5 months later...
Whilst converting a Worldeaters landraider (they're lurking around the site here somewhere) I sliced my finger open with a modelling knife... showed my girlfriend *oh my god are you ok?!* she screams, so I said yup and smeared it on the engine block for good luck... she thinks I'm a weirdo... :(
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Whilst converting a Worldeaters landraider (they're lurking around the site here somewhere) I sliced my finger open with a modelling knife... showed my girlfriend *oh my god are you ok?!* she screams, so I said yup and smeared it on the engine block for good luck... she thinks I'm a weirdo... :(


Such is the price we pay for honouring the Blood God. Let it not be said you didn't put your blood, sweat and tears into this. May the Blood God favour that vehicle on the field of battle. ;)

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The other day I was at work (I'm in engineering) I was tightening a few bolts down on the units we produce, and not paying attention i cut the web between my thumb and my index finger a good 7-8 inches needless to say it was a bloodbath.. Went to the bathroom to clean it up and while standing there practically bleeding out I caught myself grimacing and utter'd a short "Blood for the blood god".
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I used to favor using a sword in mock combat. I tried an axe a bit more than a month ago, and nothing else can compare anymore.

My internal monologue spends a good quarter of the time offering praises to Khorne and extolling the virtues of wrath.

I get a certain enjoyment from the sight of my own blood.

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