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Dual Army idea

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well he would be pretty stupid to do that wouldn't he? I mean theres no point playing if its not going to be a fun game. I'm sure he's not one of those incredibly arrogant, idiotic prats who try to suck the life from the hobby ^_^
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Bearing in mind who it was that made this army, I imagine that he randomly came up with the idea and liked it. It seems like it's more a modelling based endeavor than anything regarding competitive superiority. If you like the idea then why not. I personally like the idea of renegade space marine forces which are somewhere between the two, that and heresy era armies are just great fun to do. I wouldn't personally ever do something to run with two codices, but if you want to then there isn't really a good reason you can't do so.
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It seems like it's more a modelling based endeavor than anything regarding competitive superiority.

you cant use pods with chaos without using FW stuff. termi HQs are not viable. LR are bad.

even without the terminator leaders the army still has the good sw stuff in , a khorn force should have some sort of berzerkers[as in nord man one not the chaos dex ones] why not BC if it just for fluff ?

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I think he created his army largely because he likes wolves and chaos so the idea of renegade space wolves makes sense. If you like both henry then I'd say go for it, either way you'd definitely be able to get away with using either codex in my opinion.
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