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Ulumeathi Plasma Syphon

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What about the plasma syphon in a storm raven? could get close enough quickly to really mess up the tau even with them wanting to fire at long range... 24" flat out for a 4+ cover with a syphon reducing bs to 1, immune to melta and possibly a libby for that 3+ cover



When going flat out you may not make any other voluntary action, so unless that Libbie started outside the Raven, that raven only has a 4+ cover save. (Yes the wayofsaimhann guy also used that with his Eldar, i kindly pointed out this illegal move)

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What about the plasma syphon in a storm raven? could get close enough quickly to really mess up the tau even with them wanting to fire at long range... 24" flat out for a 4+ cover with a syphon reducing bs to 1, immune to melta and possibly a libby for that 3+ cover

When going flat out you may not make any other voluntary action, so unless that Libbie started outside the Raven, that raven only has a 4+ cover save. (Yes the wayofsaimhann guy also used that with his Eldar, i kindly pointed out this illegal move)

On what do you base this statement?

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What about the plasma syphon in a storm raven? could get close enough quickly to really mess up the tau even with them wanting to fire at long range... 24" flat out for a 4+ cover with a syphon reducing bs to 1, immune to melta and possibly a libby for that 3+ cover

When going flat out you may not make any other voluntary action, so unless that Libbie started outside the Raven, that raven only has a 4+ cover save. (Yes the wayofsaimhann guy also used that with his Eldar, i kindly pointed out this illegal move)

On what do you base this statement?


Not on much I imagine. Here's the page on Fast vehicles and Fast transport vehicles:


A fast vehicle going flat out moves more than 12" and up to 18"..... is treated in all respects exactly the same as moving at cruising speed for a vehicle that is not fast.


Obviously you can't fire your guns when moving flat out, which is covered below, but the interesting one is Fast Transport vehicles:


Passengers may not embark onto or disembark from a fast vehicle if it has moved (or is going to move) flat out in that Movement phase.


That is the only thing it says about passengers and fast vehicles. And if we consider that besides shooting and this bit on passengers a fast vehicle moving fast counts as a vehicle moving cruising speed, lets ask a simple question, can you cast Shrouding when moving at cruising speed? Yes you can, so you can when you go fast. There is nothing stopping you, as it's AoE and therefore doesn't need LoS or a fire points etc. So quite legitimate to move that SR 24" to get the plasma syphon into your enemy while protecting it with a 3+ cover save and still firing a gun. And you'll need that 3+ save because railguns aren't affected....

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That is the only thing it says about passengers and fast vehicles. And if we consider that besides shooting and this bit on passengers a fast vehicle moving fast counts as a vehicle moving cruising speed, lets ask a simple question, can you cast Shrouding when moving at cruising speed? Yes you can, so you can when you go fast. There is nothing stopping you, as it's AoE and therefore doesn't need LoS or a fire points etc. So quite legitimate to move that SR 24" to get the plasma syphon into your enemy while protecting it with a 3+ cover save and still firing a gun. And you'll need that 3+ save because railguns aren't affected....

That's my thinking as well. However, I am familiar with GW's penchant for tucking obscure rules into the oddest, non-intuitive places in their rulebook and I was wondering if Spacefrisian had stumbled across one wuch tidbit.

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Flat out is by any means the same as turboboost, its not so hard to put 1 and 1 together.


But besides that a Tau player is most likely not even boosting his Bs with those marker lights but simply removes that cover save all together and boost Bs with remaining markers. I doubt a Stormraven wil survive 3 TL broadsides shots at BS5 or 6.

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Flat out is by any means the same as turboboost, its not so hard to put 1 and 1 together.


*sigh*, but it's not turbo-boost, it's flat out, they are not the same. Turbo-boost prohibits moving through terrain, shooting, assaulting, going to ground etc. It also specifically says they may not make a voluntary action. Flat out prevents you from shooting or embarking/disembarking passengers. And remember, flat out as a move is normally 18", it's only 24" if you're a fast skimmer. 18" is not the same as turbo-boost. I mean, the cover saves are completely different! Bikes get a 3+ and flat out skimmers a 4+.


I'm sorry but you cannot just take rules that apply to turbo-boost and apply them also to flat out movement for vehicles, they are two different rules. If GW had wanted flat out to prohibit voluntary actions from passengers inside the vehicle they would have made that clear in the relevant section. I certainly won't be letting you pull that one on me and I doubt your opponent's would as well, not with that reasoning.

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Flat out-skimmers only : Turbo-boost-bikes only

FO 4+ cover save : TB 3+ cover save

FO 12"+ move : TB 18" displacement movement

FO no embarking/disembarking : TB no voluntary actions


As Dark Guard stated these are two very different rules for very different units.

Nothing in the one has any affect on the other.

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