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Vehicle Movement & Tank Shock

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Eh, I am not sure. I guess technically, the "speed" as described on page 57 is determined by how far the vehicle actually moved that turn. So I guess you can say that according to RAW the vehicle would then be allowed to fire.

However, I feel that if the player "called" the distance in advance, but the vehicle is then stopped early, it still "moved at the high speed", but simply did not make it as far as it usually would have.


I think RAW is closer to "can shoot", but I feel it should be "cannot shoot".

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I think RAW is closer to "can shoot", but I feel it should be "cannot shoot".



To clarify: yes, the vehicle uses the actual distance moved to determine whether or not it can shoot.


It may not be as weird as it sounds at first. Think on it this way: perhaps it's not the the speed alone that prevents the pilots or occupants from shooting, but also the fact that it is in motion. While in motion, the thing is shaking around something fierce so it's hard to lean outside and get a meaningful shot off. If it's stopped abruptly, well - it's stopped. Now you can fire, if there's still time left: i.e. the second inference I'm making here is that a move that covers enough distance takes more time than just the Movement phase.


Time and in motion are awkward concepts here because they don't really fit in well with turn-based combat; but the implications are there and it helps me justify something that is otherwise silly. :)

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