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Sanguinary Phalanx Chapter Master


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This model is so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! he screams GOD! to me, honestly, if I saw that model on the table top I'd just pack up and leave for fear of having my arse handed to me by him alone. Wicked awesome painting skills btw, and I absolutely love that shield.

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Not sold on the sword. Well painted but not sure if I like yet. Will probably grow on me as I look at it more. The choice in colours for the gold is excellent. I love the wings. That's exactly how I feel they should be. I think the shield may be a bit off. The white and black should follow the osl of the gold. The face seems a little flat compared to the rest of the model. Clean and well painted but a bit flat.


Please forgive the critical nature of my comments. You're truely a wonderful painter and I think this is a excellent piece of work. Just thought I could add more than just "nice model".


Hmm the more I look at the armour the more I like.

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What makes this model even more impressive is when you look back at the unpainted version, and realise how much of the detail is painted on.



Crazily good stuff.



Hope you don't mind Winter, but :



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The gold is as you surmise, basically SENMM with metals. SETMM, for want of a better phrase.


General progression:

Scorched Brown Base

Mix of VMC Bronze and Scorched Brown

VMC Bronze

Devlan mud wash (good n heavy)

Black horizon line

Blend black to VMC Leather Brown

Blend leather brown through VMC Bronze through VMC Old Gold through to VMC Silver

The sky is basically working from the bronze/brown mix to silver, with the specular highlight blended in. Plan where the highlight should be before doing the sky.


There's a fair bit of back and forth to tidy up and smooth out as you go, especially where the OSL is. That was rather tricky, as if you go to heavy with the OSL you lose the shine from the metallics where you want it.

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First off I LOVE that model it's simply stunning. I'm a fan of the sword as most of the time it;s done in blue so it's nice to see a change and well red suits BA :D. As for the video while the quality is great i would suggest slowing down the rotation at least by half so people can get a real good look at all the hard work you have put in.
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VMC Burnt Cadmium Red, blend down to VMC Black at the end on one side and the other end on the other side.

Blend up through GW Blood Red, VMC Amarantha Red, GW Blazing Orange, GW Golden Yellow to a mix of GW Golden Yellow and GW Skull White.


Use the yellow / white mix for finelining the lightning and edge highlights.


Final extreme highlights with pure Skull White.


Gloss it.

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Love this figure. A great centrepiece for any army.


Can i ask how did you make the Shield? I'm tempted to begin work on a DIY chapter and am keen to use small circular shields like this one, but have been wondering where/how to buy/make them


Thanks - and keep posting your pics!!



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