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Finished Building my First Blood Angel

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I finished the first step of my Blood Angel Army. As an odd ritual when I build an army the first thing I build is a commander, so I stopped building my two assault squads and kit bashed my Captain. He is the combined parts of the DC Sprue, Assault Marine Sprue (I loathe the commander's gun arm parts) and the Commander Box along with some jump packs I ordered.





He won't be painted until later still some cleaning needs to be done on him and some other WIP stuff.

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Looks good. :cuss Don't forget to drill out that barrel, though.


Thanks, I will admit that I've never actually done that. While I've done a lot of pinning I tend to make mistakes so its well hidden by the join (and sometimes cool looking because of it). Any tips?


Like it! I'm hoping to put something that good together.


Thanks, I will admit I have a number of excess bolt pistols due to also being a Black Templar Player and mixing and matching with the BT kit has left me a number of them.


I also wasn't going to use that head I used to have a number of excess heads and I'm not sure what happened to them. I have a little drawer set with my excess parts in it, and I swore I had some good generic helmets and can't find them. I also will only use helmeted heads due to not liking painting bare heads (preference). I'm happy with the outcome despite some set backs, a ten minute head hunt, having to have my wife pick the shoulder pad, and a glue explosion. Can't wait to paint.

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Getting the bit centered can be a challenge. Most of the time I just eyeball it, as I've done enough of them to keep the hole fairly well centered. When I need to be precise though, I use a technical pen to draw and X on the muzzle, to find the center. Then I use a new xacto blade to pilot the hole, so the bit doesn't wander once you start drilling. I use a 1/32 bit for bolt pistols. Don't forget to drill the muzzle brake ports as well.
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Nice captain :D though he isent the best option to take HQ wise (personal opinion here) hes far from bad as well ;)


something seems abit off though, it seems his torso is "leaning back" a little :D is this just the angle of the picture or was it intended? otherwise he looks perfect :)

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