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Dedicated Transport


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Hello All,

This might seem like a NewB question, but I am fairly new to the game.

Does taking a Land Raider as a dedicated transport count against your heavy support choices?

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Hello All,

This might seem like a NewB question, but I am fairly new to the game.

Does taking a Land Raider as a dedicated transport count against your heavy support choices?


the quick answer is NO, a dedicated transport doesnt take up an FOC slot.. the only units that can have dedicated LRs are terminators

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Hello All,

This might seem like a NewB question, but I am fairly new to the game.

Does taking a Land Raider as a dedicated transport count against your heavy support choices?


the quick answer is NO, a dedicated transport doesnt take up an FOC slot.. the only units that can have dedicated LRs are terminators


Unless you're a Blood Angel

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A dedicated transport doesnt take up a slot, and counts as whatever kind of unit it was purchased for.


Example: If taken for a unit of terminators a Landraider counts as an elites unit. A Rhino taken for a tactical squad counts as a troops choice. A Razorback taken for a command squad counts as an HQ choice.


This has a number of impacts on the game- for example, a Tactical Squad in its rhino counts as two troops for Dawn of War. Some scenarios, like those used in the Tournament of Skulls and the Battlemissions books give extra victory points for HQ units- wich, unless specified otherwise, includes dedicated transports they take.

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Well, he could hav ebeen asking to clarify a situation wehn he turned up and the army over the other side of the board had a bejillion Landraiders and he was somewheat surprised by this - not being familar with the other codex. Its susally safer to be clear about these things.
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Thank you all for the replies. They were both enlightening and entertaining. :)

So, to my understanding, a unit of Termies with a LR as a dedicated transport uses up 2 elite choices in the FOC, unless you are a Blood Angel or BlackTemplar.

Is that correct?

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Its a single elite slot. What you end up with is 2 elite units on the field.

To clarify, the transport in this case is an Elite choice but does not occupy an Elite slot on the FOC. In general Dedicated Transports do not occupy FOC slots.

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Another, more extreme example, is IG Infantry Platoons. You take one Troops Slot and get a Platoon Command and two Infantry Squads. You can then add 11 other units to this same troops choice, all of wich are seperate units, seperate kill points, but count as a single troops slot for choosing your army.
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Another, more extreme example, is IG Infantry Platoons. You take one Troops Slot and get a Platoon Command and two Infantry Squads. You can then add 11 other units to this same troops choice, all of wich are seperate units, seperate kill points, but count as a single troops slot for choosing your army.


Not to mention the 6 Chimera's that can be taken as well. 20 units, 6 of which are dedicated transports, all occupying a single Troops FOC slot. On the table, they all count as separate Troops units, although the vehicles aren't scoring, of course.

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