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Tycho: Re-inventing a Legend - FINISHED

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Hello again brothers. So if you've ever come across any of my other WIP threads, you know that i've got a bit of an issue with older, now out of scale models. Our beloved Captain Tycho happens to be one of my favorite characters, as well as one of the 1st models I ever purchased. Oddly enough, my Tycho model never saw the table in BA scheme. In fact, he mostly mask-ueraded as a Crimson Fist Sternguard... :) With the release of the new BA plastics coupled with my lack of painting projects, I decided to have a go at re-doing the good Captain. So, with the help of a friends jewel saw to behead my old friend, and a few spare parts, this is what I came up with. Hope you like! Please, and Crits and Comments are welcome. Cheers





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My only quibble - could you not have found a pistol holster without the BT cross on it?


You know, I probably have a hundred pistol holsters, but this was the only one like this... don't even know where it came from as I don't play templars at all. I ended up using it because it was unique, an honor badge or something. Anyone else have thoughts on this?


Also,.as for paint, I think I will do a mix. Mostly my NMM gold/bronze with his right shoulder blackish. That's the plan for now anyway...



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Nice. I was wondering about this as an idea. for me Tycho is also characterised by his back banner, too, so I would have added that. Why shouldn't he have a variant holster. paint it as a crux teminatus or have it as an actual BT item picked up from a comrade, exchanged as a gift, award him for action on one of the crusades. Tycho had plenty of experience before Armageddon.


I don't know what the Dead Man's Hand actually is. Some sort of non-bulky power fist? He never has anything in his hand, so is it an additional CC weapon or not?

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he looks very good, however I think you might want to take a few steps back, and custom sculpt a few things on him.


Check out my own tycho in this thread:





Noodle Nerd also did a Tycho conversion a little before me, found here:





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Very impressive.


My only slight quibble would be could you cut the drop gem off the wing on his shoulder and green stuff the triple dripping blood that is his Heraldry?



I could try. Ive got a spare wing still. I dont really use gs ever, but this may be an easier task to do. If I can make it look good, ill put it on, if not it stays as is :cuss



What types of things do you suggest? Like I said up above ,not really a sculptor, so it would all have to be pretty simple ..



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first and foremost, I'd switch to sang gaurd legs, purely because the current legs you have, make him look a bit stumpy.


For the shoulder pad with the wing, I could probably make a guide on making a tycho style shoulder pad out of it if you wanted.


I'd change the head angle so he's looking in the direction his gun is angled, the result of that would be the movement would look more natural

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