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Doghouse Pattern Gothic Marines


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So awhile back I started converting some gothic marines using Doghouse's awesome tutorial using the Chaos knights as the legs. I wasn't able to replicate the green stuff the second time around (and because they more or less have the same pose) I decided to cast the rest of the legs in resin. These turned out fairly decent with only one or two miscasts!

The legs are based on the Warhammer Fantasy Chaos Knights with a lot of cutting and GS to make them 40K looking. The back packs are cutdown Chaos Marine ones. Torsos are various ones Mk IV, Mk V(ish), and an Artificerlike armour for the Sgt. The lascannon and combi melta are converted, with the lascannon backpack being scratched out of GS. The arms are for the most part are CSM ones as well as the rimmed shoulder pads. Except for the layered pads, those are GS.

The kill team is played as Sternguard Vets and comes out to 200 pts exact!

So here they are.

Group shot.


Veteran Sgt with melta bomb (notice the Word Bearer helmet :cuss


Bolter Marine


Combi Melta


Plasma Gunner


Lascannon Gunner Front (the lascannon is converted from the IG Hvy Wpns Team one and a Marine Missle Launcher with a bike Marine arm for the left)


Lascannon Gunner Rear


I'm not too happy how the white turned out as it is too thick but I really don't want to redo it! As well, this was my first time playing with battle damage. I have mixed feelings about the results. Finally, I may add a few more liturgies to the armour and the shoulder cloth is screaming for something to go on it, I just haven't decided what yet.

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Very very nice, as far as the conversions go you did an excellent job. From far away the painting looks good, but I have to agree with the white, it looks a little crusty from up close. White is a hard color to paint, but I'm sure you can get it down ;)
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Nicely done. It really brings a squad together when someone takes the time to think about how each models pose will look as part of the squad. These guys look very cohesive. Woud you mind sharing your recipe for the gold you used on the plasma gun?
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