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Tactical Squad to Sternguard

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would it be just a matter of painting differently with white veteran colours and SAYing that they are?


I looked it up on GW and the sternguards look like a comba squad with boltguns that have scopes. with the exception of the veteran sergent who has a powerfist and one of them who has a combi melta bolter.


i have some extra marines and so i could switch out my marines that have scopes and maybe just hope noone notices the lack of a pwerfist or melta,


Help? :)

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If they have the veteran markings and colours then I can't see why not. They are armed the same as tac marines pretty much and if they stand out then even better. You don't have to arm them with a combi melta or a powerfist. If you do though then you would have to model those on.
In general TT etiquette says the model should be as close to the equipment you've listed but I think the greatest factor will be your opponent. I could care less if they were wysiwyg. As long as you can distinguish what model is what in one manner or another I'm good. None of my friends would care either. I use my whirlwind as a predator all the time with no complaints. Others wouldn't be as open to proxy figs. I think in tournements accurate modeling would matter.

Sternguard are a combination of the prevous incarnation of Tactical Veteran squads and the Death Watch squads. Since both "squads" as a base were nothing but tactical marines model wise the only way to defferentiate them from a regular squad would be by paint scheme and modeling on suitable details.


That being said late last year I was bored and cobbled together 5 plastic Sternguard to go with my 5 metal ones. I started off by going through my bits and gathering what I considered "veteran" heads, torso fronts, shoulder pads, ect. I ended up with a random pile of stuff from regular marines, BT, DA, old metal DW parts that i would make into Sternguard.


I assembled the bodies trying to mix the armor marks as much as possible to achieve that "been there, done that" look of a veteran. For weapons I took a few regular bolters and made a few big box magazines out of the ones from the DEV sprue and a drum mag out of a reshaped melta bomb then glued on some scopes. I had also scared up spome plastic Combi's to use as well from the comanders sprue. The arms for the most part were all standard Tac parts but I ened up playing a bit of mix and match to get things fitting the way I wanted with the modified magazines. I had a pile of shoulder pads to chose from and in the end I went with 4 plastic DW pads and one Crux pad and then 5 regular pads for the chapter badge. For back packs I settled on plain old marine packs to do the job.


Once assembled the pile of parts looked more the part of veteran marines but were still not there and it was time to paint. Where my tactical marines have little flash and shine the plastic Sternguard are covered. Gold eagles, and skulls abound as befits a vetern marine, they all got at least one purity seal as well. As a final touch I gave them all black helmets( I use black as the 1st Co. color instead of white since the chapter is quartered red and white). At this point with the modified equipment, non standard shoulder pads, extra doo dads, and use of color no one can confuse them with tactical marine on the table when their metal couterparts get done they'll fit right in with them.

I assembled my Sternguard Squad out of plastic bits. All you need to do is differentiate them some how. Whether its' through the paint scheme or extra bits to make them look like decorated veterans. What ever you want to do w/them. They don't have to have the same weapons load out as the models from GW - their codex entry allows for a lot of variation to the squad and their wargear.

Here is how I represent my Sternguard. The only metal bits they have is the IF/CF shoulders that GW did (not pictured):


Links to pictures of individual Sternguard Veterans:






until i recently bought the new finecast sternguard (which are awesome) i had a 10 man sternguard squad made from a normal tactical squad. during the game to distinguish between them i painted their right shoulder pad gold (my normal tactical marines have goblin green right shoulder pads) and later on it was very easy to see them as they had two plasma cannon and a fully converted stronos razorback deployed with them for more dakka


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