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noise marines sonic weapons


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hi, me again, i started going through, my codex and started considering pretty much everthing i might try to use in a fun list, as earlier this week, i feilded possesed, and got a role of 6 for thier power on the table, i was fighting orks, so yeah, i dont think it helped much.


anyway onto the point, im thinking of using emperos childern chaos marines, not because of thier stats, but because of thier sonic weaponwry. though im not entirely sure yet is thier sonic weaponry any good at all, is it worth it to include them just for thier wepons ?


i just assume this question goes here since its about emperor's childern, i do not run a pure fluff army, sometimes it has bezerkers, sometimes it has plauges, i run whats useable.


on a side note can anyone who has purchased a group of noise marines, from anywere that sold them, give me the exact contents of the box, does it come with at least 5 sonic blasters

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Hmm I've only played with noise marines at 600pts, i found the sonic weapons rather expensive. Yet to try it at a higher points cost since My school only plays 600pts you may need someone else's opinion :P


on your side note you get only 1 of each sonic weapon and a power sword(for champ) so of you want five you will need five boxes...


p.s possessed are lame with random power and I hope the next codex will give them a nice beefing to be usefull :)




Edit: damn ninjad ahwell... Forgot the bits pack too ahwell live and learn

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  • 10 months later...

I really like the noise marine weaponry. I have yet to come up with the perfect mix but i've seen it expressed as either 5man sqauds (4 sonic 1 blast master), 8-10 man sonic squads (all sonic weapons) or 8-10 man assault squads (1champ w/ doom siren+ fist/power weapon no sonic blasters.)


Each seems to have it's place. 5 man "heavy" squads can mess up some infantry and aren't useless if you have to move them. (12 shots plus blast reduced to 8 shots plus 2 slightly bigger shots)


8-10 man sonic squads are made to stick and move w/ lots of shots or park and make ppl cry.


8- 10 man assault squads are nice vs 3+ armor and have a pretty good initiative


All these squads are fearless ( a big plus to me), all these squads can take a charge if they have to (i5, but not optimal),


None of these squads have anti tank weaponry. It is all just sheer volume.


Vs infintry i haven't found anything sexier. Vs tanks... well that's what they make obliterators for.

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As an EC player, I've bought quite a few of these...



Sonic weapons are the best mid-ranged weapons in the game, next to Tau, imo.


I'd wait and see wait if I were you before you bought any of these. If the Chaos rumors are true, we loyal EC might be blessed with plastics or at the very least, have these done in finecast, which either would be good.

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